1-2 Switch - Nintendo Switch

1-2 Switch - Nintendo Switch
1-2 Switch - Nintendo Switch
1-2 Switch - Nintendo Switch
1-2 Switch - Nintendo Switch
1-2 Switch - Nintendo Switch
by people ...

  • Throw an impromptu party anywhere with anyone thanks to a new play style in which players look at each other-not the screen!
  • Bring the action and fun into the real world as you face off in wild-west duels, cow-milking competitions, a copycat dance-off.
  • While the action unfolds off- screen, the audience watches the players themselves instead of the screen. That makes it as hilarious to watch as it is to play - an instant party amplifier!

A face-to-face party like no other!

Product Reviews

Fun…. but seems overpriced at $50

After writing this review, I felt I should preface it by saying up front that my rating is based mostly on price. As a game itself, it is definitely unique and fun. At $20-$30, I would have given it 5 stars for being cool, quirky, and showing off the system. At $50, it feels overpriced.I had been a huge proponent for this not being a pack-in title, but after playing it…. it should have been a pack in title.It tells the story of the system…. take it anywhere you want, hand a joy-con to a friend, and play with the goal being fun more than the highest quality graphical output. Additionally, in the same way that Wii Sports introduced us to motion controls and NintendoLand introduced us to the novelty of having a second screen; this title serves to show off all the cool little things the joy-cons can do (really refined motion control, IR, HD rumble).It can be fun, but it lacks depth in the same way Wii Sports and NintendoLand did. The mini-games are enjoyable and we’ll likely get good use out of them when we have people over. But there isn’t much more to the game than playing a mini-game, laughing a little, and moving on to the next mini-game. Some are better than others. I was hoping this was a more robust title like Wii Party U, which had a lot of different game modes. It isn’t.Ultimately, if you would have paid $50 for Wii Sports or NintendoLand then this is a title you should pick up. For others, I think you would be better off waiting until the price comes down.

A couple fun games that show off the potential of the Switch’s Joy-cons, but should have been included with the Switch console!

This game is very basic. It’s the equivalent of Wii Sports but for the Nintendo Switch. It’s pretty much a demo of what the Switch Joy Con controllers can do with mini games. Upon starting for the first time, you are required to play one of 3 or 4 games until the rest of the games open up. Of these games, most are very awkward and dull, but there are a few that are really interested. The treasure chest game can be very fun and stressful when competing against an opponent. The samurai game is a lot of fun, and the rolling ball game is cool and interesting to play. The rest of the games are pretty forgettable.This game gets a 2 stars because it is in no way worth paying any amount of money for! It should have been included for free with the Switch console like Wii Sports and Nintendoland. It’s of that same caliber and quality. Anyone paying any amount of money, let alone $40-50 for this game should get a refund from Nintendo!

fun for 2 players

Would be better if it had some longer games and quite a few of them are corny. Would’ve been a much better game if they made it as a 1 player game too, where you can play against the “computer”.All in all I like it, especially the quick draw one. My 6 year old daughter loves the dance ones.

Overpriced and lackluster

This game is a $19.99 or less game. Definitely not worth the price tag of $50. I was excited about it and showcasing the Switch abilities but there’s so little on screen and so much “stare at your partner and listen” that it’s almost boring

Portability is the savior of 1 2 Switch

Well thanks to Amazon Prime’s discount and a couple of Reward points that I had I was able to purchase this game on the cheap. It’s okay we had a good time with it nothing spectacular. I would say the only thing that saved this game was that the Switch is portable that way you can take this game and present it to different people so they could experience it for themselves which is what I have done that is the only way you will get your moneys worth of this game because every mini game after you’ve mastered it that’s it there is no advancement after that so that’s why it starts to get stale because you know the moves and tricks to have the most possible high score that you can. I wish there was a online feature where you could challenge other players but guess that’s asking too much since most folks would say that this is nothing but a demo for the Joycon controls but for me and my family I would say it was okay and can’t really say that I didn’t like it because everywhere we went with it we had fun with this game there’s plenty of mini games in 1 2 Switch that there will be that one that will interest even the grouchiest or hardcore or complainer gamer out there. I will say this $25 to $30 bucks for this game is fine that’s what I purchased it for not $50 to $60.

Not worth the price in my opinion

Not a big fan of this one at its release day pricing, I just didn’t see the value in this.. tried to play a few multiplayer games but nobody was really that into it. maybe when it hits the bargain bin I’ll pick it up again.

Do Not Buy! Not worth the money

This game is not worth the money. The game play is slow and the games get boring and repetitive quickly. I am very disappointed that I paid this much for a crummy game. Shame on you Nintendo!

Fun for a while… then…

1-2 switch is a game that I was really excited for when it was first announced. The use of the joy con controllers and the portability of the Switch combined with the party style 1-2 Switch was portrayed to be was a guaranteed buy in my mind. When it arrived I invited over some family and friends to play. It was AWESOME! From the treasure chest game where you use the joy con to unroll a chain from around a treasure chest, to the telephone game where you wait for a ring tone sound then quickly raise the joy con to your ear yelling HELLO, we had a blast! We got together multiple times just to play 1-2 Switch. Then the magic ran out… the lack of diversity between the games began to show. The corny play styles almost became too much for us. We found ourselves sitting during most of the games instead of standing and being excited to play. My great purchase started to become not so great. We decided it needs more games, maybe even a Mario Party type setup. It’s too straight forward and blah once all of the games have been played. I would recommend waiting for the price to drop before buying.Pros* Great use of the Joy Con controllers* Lots of fun with multiple people* Fun/creative mini gamesCons* Cost, not worth paying the full launch price.* Repetitive after multiple plays* Needs more mini games

Passable and not worth the money

Rather disappointing as one of the first few Nintendo games for a new console. Wii or Wii U definitely started off a lot more entertaining with Wii(Wii U)fit, resort or party.

Five Stars


Very Fun… Once

Had a lot of fun with the whole family doing this for the first time, but the novelty wears off quickly and it’ll probably collect dust now.

Can’t unlock most of the games at first

Most of my friends wanted to play what we saw on the ads, weird things like milking cows, breaking into a safe, runway model… But when we first started up the game, we didn’t see…

Should’ve Been a Pack-In

1-2 Switch is a great way to have some quirky entertainment at the party. The mini-games included range from tons of fun to downright silly.

1-2 Switch is High Quality Fun for Anyone

I love 1-2 Switch! Sure, it’s a simple concept, yet much work was put into making each small game as big is it can be, with gorgeous backdrops, helpful demonstrations, and…

Fun for little Switch fans

My son was dying for the Switch for his birthday. It was released just a month before he turned 9. The problem was there weren’t many games available at release that he could…

Wait for Price to Drop

After much searching we finally got a Switch and along with everyone else my son and I have been immersed in Breath of the Wild.

Perfect game for party

the game is so interesting. We played it for a whole night. The card looks like a brand new one.

Fun with the right people!

Fun game!It can be awkward if you’re playing with people that aren’t into it.Treat like a quirky game board type game.

Get it at Amazon

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