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Product description Aurora Plush 12” Flopsie Pugger stuffed puppy.
From the Manufacturer Aurora Plush 12” Flopsie Pugger. Aurora World is a premier manufacturer of gift plush, stuffed animals and soft toys.
We got a cute plush dog but it is not a pug. The ears and snout are not black as pictured. The plush dog is all one fawn color and looks more like a baby golden retriever than a pug. It was sad, because this pug looks cute but we did not get a pug.This is the dog we got: apparently its a labrador (golden).https://smile.amazon.com/Aurora-World-Flopsie-Goldie-Labrador/dp/B00124X5YQ/ref=pd_bxgy_21_img_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=GS4ZPRGZK70BYKDTEWAS&dpID=41OLR3Xx9cL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=detail
Bought this for my daughter. She loves it. It’s super easy to clean. Put it in the wash on the gentle cycle.
Cute and good quality for the amount paid. My son takes it everywhere…a favorite! This is a second one we purchased because he lost the first one.
Much much cuter than in the picture. My son loves it!
In memory off deceased pug, Loved by pug owner.
I bought this for my daughter who is obsessed with pugs right now. When it arrived I was so delighted that the quality was very good-not poor stitching like some other brands. The pug is a very decent size, so based off that alone it was a great price. This guy is just super cute though…it’s hard to replicate a pug face on a stuffed animal but what it lacks in realism it makes up in softness and cuteness. Aurora is now one of my favorite brands for plush animals.
About 12 inches long, plush, and super cute!
The boy that I purchased this little dog for thoroughly enjoys it, sleeps with it, and has asked for more “puppies”.
The recipient was thrilled with her stuffed pug! Very soft and easy to hold, handle, cuddle with arthritic hands.
Acceptable for a plush, much smaller than expected and not as soft.
Body is too long, didn’t think it was that cute so planning on returning it
Super soft and cute.
Really cute, wrinkles and all.
My 8 year old loves it! Super cute & soft.
comments powered by DisqusIt’s very cute.