Looking for an alternative to expensive March pumps tired of stripping out threads on the plastic pump heads. Chugger is the solution you have been looking for! chugger is the first pump made specifically by brewers for brewers. These pumps are Comparable to the popular March pumps in virtually every way except feature a 25 percent more powerful motor (1/20HP instead of 1/25HP) and of course Stainless steel heads. Another benefit is that the chugger heads are interchangeable with existing March brand pump motors. This pump is Comparable to the March B00CT62KR4 809-ss-hs.
If you are seriously into home brew, then you will eventually find yourself with a brew kettle or fermentation tank that is of higher capacity. You can’t safely move these things around, particularly if they are hot or full of liquid. A 20 gallon brew kettle could weigh as much as 170 pounds or more when full. Not something you want to try and scooch around when hot. The safest and most efficient way to move liquid around is with a chugger pump. It will save time and effort and possibly serious injury. Do yourself a favor and spend the money and buy a chugger pump. Also, don’t make the same mistake I did and buy a small cheap one. This particular pump comes with a stainless steel housing for the impeller, a must as far as keeping the system clean and sanitized. Use this and some silicone food grade tubing and your in business. Transfering liquids is just a part of any home brew operation. This is a good one that I am very pleased with and would buy again.
The first one I recieved had a bad motor, I called the company and they said I needed to contact who sold it to me. After diagnosing it they sent me a brand new pump. Have used it a few times now and it has been fine. Don’t mount it vertically and put some 90’s on the hoses to make life easier. I love it, should have added one to the brewery a long time ago
Pretty awsome! This is my first homebrew pump and it was worth the money. I used this pump with a plate chiller and my wort went form boiling to 73 in less than 5 minutes!. Of course that’s due to the ground water temp but I the pump made it very easy to move wort around.
This pump was perfect for my all-grain brewing setup. I couldn’t imagine having to transfer hot water from the kettle to the mash tun without it. Not only would it be difficult but it would be dangerous as well. I have only used it once so far, but hope it holds up over time.
awesome quality and use it regularly
works good, priced right
great product, zero issues. works as intended.
Works Well, Wish the discharge pressure was a little more. May need to adjust my setup to give it some more head.
gotta prime it but other than that, works well.
I’ve used this pump for numerous batches of brewing. Never had any issues with operations. Installed valves on inlet & outlet sides with quick connects.
Very nice product. Works as expected.
Completely changed brew day! Just buy it!
Great deal!!
I use 2 of these on my brewery. They work ok, but the motors are prone to overheating. I have to put fans on both of them while recirculating to keep them from shutting…
perfect for brewing
comments powered by DisqusI’ve owned my Chugger SS Inline pump for about 3 years. What a difference my brew days have become.