Simple one-touch cooking for 6 popular uses
Style:.7 cu.ft. Stainless Product description Danby39s 07-cu ft Countertop Microwave is not only practical and economical it39s stylish too Available with a variety of today39s most popular features this handy microwave is well suited for the dorm room office cottage or kitchen
From the Manufacturer Danby 0.7 cu.ft. Microwave
Resort the reviews to most recent and do a web search for Danby microwaves and you will see there is clearly a dangerous problem with this brand right now, with the glass doors shattering and exploding with no warning.
Served its purpose since I recieved it in September, but yesterday this happened out of nowhere. The door was not slammed, nobody or nothing hit or bumped the front, it just started as a small crack and gradually did this. I’m at a loss.
I purchased this microwave in February. I was sitting in my office today and all of a sudden I hear glass cracking (like when you’re driving and a pebble hit your windshield) thats when I noticed the microwave door exploded… Thank goodness I had it at work and not at home don’t have small children or animals but I’m sure if I did they would of gotten hurt!
BUYER BEWARE! Have owned this microwave for 7 months and it is used occasionally by 2 adults. The glass pane on the door completely shattered and sprayed glass shards everywhere after simply pressing the button to open the door. VERY DANGEROUS. Amazon did nothing as the 30 day window for returns expired, which is unfortunate given that (1) the product is obviously defective, and (2) the life of an appliance–regardless of cost–should last longer than 7 months. Now I have to contact the manufacturer, have them file a claim, see if they will agree to fix the busted microwave, and wait the endless days while eating cold pizza. Pay more for something better!
REVIEW of: Danby DMW111KPSSDD 1.1 cu ft , 1000 watt microwaveTHE GOOD:- THE BEEPS ARE NOT OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD! You get 4 discrete beeps when things are done and…even better…you get only one (1) beep if you interrupt/stop/reset things.- THE FAN IS * NOT * TOO LOUD!!! (No Jet plane takeoffs here!) Thank God!- THE LIGHT COMES ON WHEN THE DOOR IS OPENED. This may seem like a no brainer but Panasonic, some LG and other brands do * not * turn the light on except when you are actually cooking. To me that is bad design. This 1.1 cu ft Danby does not have that problem.- The DOOR DOES NOT FIGHT ME!! Easy door release with press of large release button in bottom right-hand corner. Door closes easily.- This 1.1 cu. ft. 1000 Watt microwave cooks evenly, has the best of both worlds: “pictograph” buttons for Popcorn, Beverage, Pizza, Frozen Dinner, Baked Potato and Reheat and….- It has the Cook Time / Power Level button if you want to get nitpicky.- It has Cook by Weight, Defrost by Weight and Speed Defrost.- Seems to cook evenly. Also, has never burned Popcorn on Popcorn setting no kernels unpopped.- Stainless steel unit looks good and it’s all CHROME/STAINLESS INSIDE. (This is a big deal if you read all the reviews of GE and other Microwaves where the plastic is warping or paint coming off…a common complaint).- Power cord is substantial, unit feels well made for it’s price point.INTERNAL DIMENSIONS: It’s 14 inches wide INTERNALLY, has a carousel and it’s 8.5” high internally and 14.5” deep internally.Large enough for a good sized lasagna package (point of reference).___________________________________________________________________________________THE BAD: No “Add 30 seconds” button. Moooo. Oh well , this Microwave is such a winner in every other way that I’m not going to let that bug me.________________________________________________________________________________EXTRA STUFF I LEARNED:When shopping for my microwave(our last one died after 10 years) - I looked at the reviews for various brands. Many MANY brands. Panasonic, LG, Frigidaire, Oster, Cuisinart, Amana, etc. COMMON THEME IN COMMENTS FOR ALL BRANDS: Like anything else - they don’t make ‘em like they used to. Consumer microwaves of various name brands (doesn’t matter) all seem to last 1 to maybe 3 years. About 5 - 10 percent of purchasers seem to have microwave failure between 4 months and a year.In short, with Consumer grade microwaves, it’s a crap shoot. You are spending anywhere from 4 to 10 dollars a month to “rent” your microwave before it goes to the dumpster. I don’t mean to depress you but that’s what I have learned. If you get 3 years out of a microwave in the $80 - $350 range consider yourself lucky.ALTERNATE BUT KLUNKY SOLUTION: You can buy a Commercial Grade (Heavy Duty) microwave (Panasonic and Amana make them) in the $350 - $450 range but these “tanks” usually have no programming features. Just a continuous dial with time increments of 1 - 10 min, sometimes 1 - 15 min. They last. They are not sexy but they are workhorses. Not for me. We have these in my work cafeteria, first of all they remind me of work and second of all I really like some programming feature convenience and a rotating carousel.A common complaint I read of the Panasonic “inverter” technology is that the food smell stayed (or got embedded in the microwave) for like 3 weeks. (You cook a ham, the microwave smells like ham for 3 weeks).Another common annoyance is that microwaves that have LOUD fans and a series of 3 LOUD beeps regardless of if you pull the door open to stop cooking or hit reset, etc.I chose the Danby because it has none of these issues, comes in at a reasonable price, looks good and has a very good interface.NOTE: I did not buy this Danby microwave from Amazon because I needed one NOW. Every place online seemed to be out of Danby DMW111KPSSDD or had in-stock dates 5 days down the road. I paid more for it to buy it locally but I feel it’s still a good deal undiscounted for this reason: it lacks a lot of the “designed in” AGGRAVATIONS that Panasonic and LG couldn’t be bothered to fix out of the gate!NOTE 2: As of 10/16/2014 this Danby DMW111KPSSDD can be obtained for between $89.99 (rock bottom sale) to $141.00 (high price).HOW TO SET COOKING HEAT LEVEL / INTENSITY on the Danby 1.1 cu ft. Microwave: 1. Enter how long you want to cook [Example entering 3 , zero, zero (300) will be 3 min]. THEN,… 2. Press the “Power Level” button and enter how hot you want your food to get as follows —> WHAT TO DO: If you enter say a number “4” that will be 40% power intensity. Entering number “6” will be 60%, a number “8” entered will be 80% of full power, etc. If you want to back out things, hit Reset button and try again. SO…WHY WOULD ONE BOTHER WITH LOWER POWER SETTINGS? , i.e. “Why not just go with High all the time?” ANSWER: 1. Because some foods cook so quickly they can burn your mouth if you don’t tone it down. 2. To eliminate hot/cold spots (more even cooking, albeit done over a longer period of time). I use the Power Level setting a lot for breakfast patties. I find that 4 minutes duration and entering “4” (for 40% power) works great for 2 patties. I also use it for reheating cold spaghetti sauce from the fridge that I don’t want to spatter everywhere.___________________________________________________________________________________________UPDATE: MARCH 1st, 2016So we’ve had the Danby 1.1 cu. ft in heavy use for 1 year and 4 months. It still runs well, cooks food well. Nothing about the unit has warped or corroded or cracked.A ** FEW ** minor quirks:1. In the past week, we have noticed the door occcasionally getting a little reticent to open. Like it hangs for a millisecond. Like one out of 8 times. It’s not a big deal… yet. Maybe something needs cleaning, etc? I’ll inspect it more on the weekend.2. We have found that VERY occasionally that when cooking a LONG time (like giant Lasangna frozen dinner) it will go into a thermal shutdown of sorts. We have to wait a minute, unplug and replug and finish cooking. This has happened maybe say… 4 - 5 times since we have owned it. NOW - we have this stuffed in a corner under a cabinet on our kitchen countertop (we don’t have that many choices for where to place the microwave in our kitchen). I frankly WELCOME that it does thermal shutdown. It sure beats overheating and burning your house down! I just have the sense it was engineered that the unit should shutdown if it’s it’s outrunning it’s safety “thermal envelope”. It may very well be that people who have enough counter space to have this completely out in the open will never experience the occasional issue that I ran into. I still give this 5 stars.3. The membrane keypad still works, it is getting “slightly” fiddly over time. Barely noticeable but it’s there. I suspect that in 2 - 3 years I may need a new microwave. That would make this a 5 year expenditure for 90 bucks. That’s $1.50 a month. Not too bad really.At this point I would still buy this again and can still recommend this –> 1.1 cu ft. <— stainless steel model.
My wife and I purchased this microwave 11 months ago while moving to our current apartment.We were looking for a non-expensive microwave, just to get the job done.After looking for days, my wife came up with this item.Pros:- Damn powerful! Can’t count the amount of hot chocolate / spaghetti sauce / applesauce / soup explosions due to my habit of using cheap microwaves.Milk bowl for hot chocolate : ~2.35 mins.Soup: ~3 mins.Reheat a cup of coffee: ~40 seconds (not boiling)- Love the defrost feature. Unfroze 4 frozen sausages in < 10 minutes.- The design is pretty slick.- Not noisy at all. This is a microwave, of course, there is a background noise when you reheat something, but nothing major.- Easy to clean. I am a pro when it comes to leaving stuff too long in a microwave. The inside is a flat gray metal easy to clean, nothing fancy.- You can choose between English and French labels for the control panel. You have two different stickers; super useful for us since we have friends/family coming over.Cons:- It’s sometimes difficult to see inside (hence the hot chocolate explosion :)) due to the “black dotted” window.- My wife finds this microwave bulky. I added a picture with the dimensions for you to judge.I would recommend this microwave to anybody in this budget range looking for something efficient for the day-to-day life.
Excellent! !
small but does the job
Beautiful, affordable, great packaging best product like this I have found they work well and easily works well and will probably continue to do so This product quality…
Love this microwave. The way it looks and the way it works !!
Works good and great and lasting but buttons hard to push
Does the trick for our busy clinic.
It’s an OK unit and does what it’s supposed to but lacks very basic features pretty much every other microwave has.
this does not have the power that I am used to in a microwave. But it’s a great space saver and controls are convenient
Easy enough and I do NOT have to reprogram it everytime the lights go out!I wish I could give this ten stars!
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