EV3 Ready.
Now your robots can know exactly where in the world they are! The dGPS Sensor provides GPS coordinate information to your robot and calculates navigation information. The sensor provides latitude, longitude, time, speed and heading to your robot. It also has powerful navigational calculators that can be used to navigate to target coordinates. The dGPS Sensor can be used for any robot that needs to know where it is or where it’s going. You can do everything from track road trips on Google Maps to build a satellite-guided robot.The sensor hooks directly into any of the four sensor ports on the NXT and can be programmed in NXT-G, RobotC, and Lejos. Software, example projects, and user guide can be downloaded from the Dexter Industries website.
This sensor worked well with the nxt and brickpi (haven’t tried on ev3). I found the documentation easily on their website and added gps to my robot (including altitude and satellites in view.READ MORE
This is not a unit for beginners! It doesn’t actually look like this when you get it, It doesn’t include documentation of any kind, and it doesn’t include a case or enclosure to protect it. Apparently there are extended features (which are described in the outdated information strewn across web pages, wikis, and forums) but there isn’t any updated code that provides that data. You can’t currently get altitude, HDOP, and satellites in view.Support is almost non-existent as any technical questions submitted through the website get a response instructing you to post to a small and lethargic forum where the question will be partially answered at best. I bought this to use with the BrickPi and it gets two stars because it basically works, but I expected a little more for the price.READ MORE
Love the product.READ MORE
Plugged this into my NXT, downloaded some sample programs, and 10 minutes later I had a fully functional GPS capability on my Lego Mindstorms NXT robot.READ MORE
comments powered by DisqusEl GPS es bueno. Fácil de usar, tiene buena precisión al parecer, comparable con la de algunos GPS de mayor costo comercial, Una vez pueda comparar unos datos numéricos sabré con mayor certeza. Tiene muy buen alcance, capta datos con mucha facilidad, incluso más fácil que otros de mayor precisión lo cual lo hace muy favorableREAD MORE