Traverse and explore the vivid and immersive environments of the real & digital worlds.
Color:Playstation 4 Set in the near future, the line between the real and digital worlds is blurred. Logging into cyberspace is part of everyday life. For one teenager, a harmless on-line chat spawns a chance encounter with a mysterious hacker. Little did this teen know, this brief meeting would lead to a Digi-monumental adventure. In Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, scan, raise, and train your faithful Digimon companions to battle by your side against a group of hackers. Do you have what it takes to crack this Digi-case?
This is the best Digimon game I have ever played. Over 240 Digimons! this is just great. The graphics are very good really vibrant. Game mechanics are basic nothing fancy, just solid turn based battles. I like the Degenerating ability which lets you basically De-evolve back into lower DIgimon so you can further raise the stats of your Digimon and even evolve into a completely different Digimon. The environments are a just a little bland sometimes but the story is surprisingly good. If you like either Digimon or turn based game, get this. If you like both then you should already have this in your hands!End
This game does incredible justice to the Digimon series as well as JRPGs in general. The story is deep and engaging, Digimon character models look beautiful, and the fact that you can create your own dream team of awesome Digimon from the show just makes the game so much fun. This is a great game in general and I highly recommend it!
Old school feel with current gen paint. If you’re a fan of JRPGs, don’t hesitate to pick this title up. If you dismiss this game simply as a Pokemon clone. you’ll be missing out on one of the best RPG’s to come out of Japan in recent memory. A solid 9⁄10.
I really enjoyed this game. The story was interesting, I got to create stronger digimon and there is supposed to be some cool cases to check out. Everything was going great until I reached chapter 20, beat the final boss and was just about to return to the real world and …. system shuts down. Unfortunately there is a glitch at this point that I’m told only effects the slim.This was extreamly disappointing, but the company has informed me that they are aware of the bug and won’t know exactly how long that will take to fix. This seems to only be effective on the slim so if you have the pro or original you should be okay to order and I recommend it.Once they are able to fix the bug I will be more than happy to change my rating to the five stars I wanted to give.
I played through this and I really loved it. The ending made me cry, not gonna lie, and I was really happy with the story and how it ended up.It’s really exciting that there is free DLC for this game (in the form of extra missions so nothing too groundbreaking) but it does add some more play time on to the end!I’m now trying to work on collecting all the Digimon. It’s going slowly but it’s really fun trying to figure out how to get my digimon from point A to point B.My only complaint is that Mastemon (the fusion/Jogress digivolution of Angewoman and LadyDevimon) is fairly weak-ish for all the pain and suffering I had to go through to get her. Her main attack is fairly useful but it has diminishing returns. I’d honestly de-digivolve her into a previous form if it meant I could get both digimon back (another complaint, you fuse two digimon and can only get one back…)…but I’m too emotionally invested in the LadyDevimon and Angewoman I combined because they were my first two digimon (LadyDevimon was the starter who I switched from Palmon to a ton of different routes to end up with LadyDevimon).Which leads to my favorite part of the game and that’s the digivolution lines. There’s SOOOO many different ways to get to your favorite digimon that it’s not even funny. After about an hour or so of grinding at the beginning of the game, I was able to get to the point where I had a digimon (Renamon, IIRC) to get to BlackGatomon.
Great Game you get 200 odd choice for Digimon if you like Dawn and Dusk you will like this it basically follows the same format but 3d and the animations are awesome the only thing they could’ve added are more Digimon but hey if this sells enough hopefully they will make a sequel if you are a Pokemon fan and haven’t been interested in Digimon but want to give it a try this would be the game that relates most and an excellent way to dive into the digital world. Plus there’s online play so you can get your friends to battle with you or battle against other opponents online. Over 90+ hours of game play guaranteed.
The game itself is amazing but has some slight flaws if u can overcome them which sadly I couldn’t give the game a 5 star rating bc of it.The gameplay in itself is fun even if u are not a digimon fan. If you have never watched digimon I’ll personally recommended Seasons 1 and 2 to get the basics. Every season is different. Season four for example the main characters BECAME the digimon (spirit). So no history of the show/or previous games are required to play this, u might just enjoy it more.-Personal history for me: I’m 30 years old, grew up watching both digimon and pokemon. I’ve played Pokemon Yellow, Red and X. This is my first digimon game. I’m a huge rpg fan. My favorite series is Shin Megami Tensei.Pros-It’s a very fun and addictive rpg. Very easy to just keep on playing. Like the anime show (some seasons) there’s rankings for the digimon which requires you to train and de-digivolve which keeps the game interesting. Certain requirements/stats for certain digimon so it’s not to easy. Digimon have elemental weakness.-This is more of an Adult take of Pokemon. U have a digi farm for raising them to raise their stats but you also have digimon on your team. There’s about 19-20 chapters so the game is long-The game has a story unlike personally I find the pokemon games seem like they are always the same.Cons-It’s subbed (Japanese with English subtitles). Some buyers might not buy the game bc of it but honestly I can read the text faster than they are saying anything. Personally this isn’t a con for me but it may be for some.-Translations are iffy in certain situations. Honestly there’s some occasions when I’m playing the girl character and I’m called a boy. That’s just plan lazy.-Watching up to season 5 I wish there were more digimon. The game is very addictive.
Can’t ask for more than a great game shipped fast and handled with care! Definitely worth all the money that I paid for it!
Great game, really enjoyed it
Good game
Excellent! Came super fast :)
I just cleared the story mode and I had to let others know about how great this game is!I enjoyed it so much I would have paid full price for it.
The game just doesn’t have the digimon soul that set digimon apart from pokemon as separate series. There isn’t a single interesting or relatable character in the story, and…
Lack of voice during story moments in the day and age is a real turn off.
comments powered by Disqusgreat game, would recommend it, easy to get into and has some great depth. very funny.