Dr. Tobias Colon: 14 Day Quick Cleanse to Support Detox, Weight Loss & Increased Energy Levels

Dr. Tobias Colon: 14 Day Quick Cleanse to Support Detox, Weight Loss & Increased Energy Levels
Dr. Tobias Colon: 14 Day Quick Cleanse to Support Detox, Weight Loss & Increased Energy Levels
Dr. Tobias Colon: 14 Day Quick Cleanse to Support Detox, Weight Loss & Increased Energy Levels
Dr. Tobias Colon: 14 Day Quick Cleanse to Support Detox, Weight Loss & Increased Energy Levels
Dr. Tobias Colon: 14 Day Quick Cleanse to Support Detox, Weight Loss & Increased Energy Levels
by people ...

  • EASY & EFFECTIVE, IDEAL FOR YOUR START: 14 Day Quick Cleanse (28 capsules, 1-2 capsules per day)
  • ADVANCED CLEANSE FORMULA WITH HERBAL, NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Providing not only effective natural laxatives, fiber & herbs that are gentle on the intestines, but also Lactobacillus Acidophilus to help promote healthy levels of bacteria in the intestinal tract. Senna & Cascara Sagrada are known for their laxative ability. Aloe vera is a colon cleansing & liver cleansing herb. Psyllium husk & flax seed powder provide a little extra bulk for the old fecal matter to be moved out of the colon.
  • SUPPORTS YOUR DIGESTIVE HEALTH & PURIFICATION: The 14 Day Advance Cleanse Formula for quick results - to help free the intestinal tract of excess waste, help increase energy, alleviate bloating. It helps cleanse toxins and helps support healthy bowel movements. Non-irritant.

Formulated For Effectiveness

Let The Quality Of The Cleanse Reflect How Healthy & Free You Want To Be 

Making the step to feeling good about ourselves & our digestion again has never been more necessary than today. 

The colon is the key to our health, well-being and digestion.

When you choose Dr. Tobias Colon, you make the decision for the top notch quality cleanse of your colon. 

With the Advanced Cleanse Formula you can be sure to get the finest herbs, fibers and probiotics for your cleanse, carefully composed and optimized for an effective 14 day cleanse. 

A 14 day cleanse that may be the perfect starting point for you to make shifts and implement your plans - e.g to change your diet, to let go of unhealthy habits, to get more active and to take back control and support your health and well-being.

Are you ready to make the shift back to feeling good?

Dr. Tobias Colon: 14 Day Quick Cleanse - A Great Cleanse for Your Colon

The 14 Day Quick Cleanse Supports Your Digestive Health. It may help and support 

Cleansing toxins & waste from the intestinal tract Healthy & regular bowel movement Better absorb of nutrients when colon is cleaner Healthy energy levels Alleviation of occasional bloating as a starting point for Weight Loss Easy & Effective! 14 Days That Make a Difference

Is your Colon at Work?

Your colon is meant to push undigested food - waste - out and allow the body to absorb healthy nutrients and minerals. 

Processed foods and foods with little fiber are slow movers in the colon and tend to block the colon like a slow car in front of the fast cars - foods high in fiber are the fast cars. This way some “buildup of waste” can occur.

On average, a colon can contain 6-8 meals before pushing it out. Not eliminating waste but building it up is unhealthy and may cause occasional constipation, bloating, and feelings of being low in energy.

Regularity means you should eat one meal and evacuate one. What if you ate three meals each day and only evacuated two meals instead of three? After 1 week, your colon would still have the residue from 7 meals stuck in the intestinal tract.

Tested. Trusted. Dr. Tobias.

Advanced Formula With Natural Ingredients 

Our Formula provides you with effective natural laxatives, fiber, and herbs which help calm the intestinal lining. It also supports your body with Lactobacillus Acidophilus to help promote healthy levels of bacteria in the intestinal tract.

Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Licorice and Aloe vera are the herbs in the formula. Senna and Cascara Sagrada are known for their laxative ability. Aloe vera is a colon cleansing herb as well as a liver cleansing herb.

The fibers psyllium husks and flax seed powder provide a little extra bulk for the old fecal matter to be moved out of the colon.  Made in the USA.

Developed with on of the most reputable research companies in the USA.

Our products are: Formulated with the finest ingredients Sourced from the most reputable sources Manufactured in cGMP facilities Tested in an extensive GMP Third Party testing program  Happy, Healthy, Active Lifestyle.

At Dr. Tobias, we are passionate about a happy, healthy, active life.

Our natural supplements have all been developed with this in mind.   You will receive a great product when ever you make a Dr. Tobias purchase.

Product Reviews

My Holiday Cleansing Log… or logs…

I recently started my 14 day cleanse hoping to start the new year ‘fresh’ and purge all the bad build up from the year/holiday. I have followed the directions and am consuming more water then it requires but I normally do. I will update my progress as time allows. I take it before bed (9:30 pm) so Day 1 its technically the next day. I started while I was off for the holidays so that I could get a handle on the experience before meshing it into my work life. I normally go once a day in the AM 5 days a week. I will update this as things progress.Here goes:Day 1 - No noticeable cramping. I actually missed my normal ‘morning window’. But about 10:30 am it was show time. Much larger than normal but solid. The smell was pretty bad. I guess it’s the loosening up stage. Went a total of 3 times the last being running with lots of pressure behind it.Day 2 - Still no cramping. The Gas has set in. I can clear a room. I went all morning without a movement, I was just ‘venting’. I took other people advice and make sure I did not fire anything off without being in the bathroom. Made it through the whole day with no bowel moments other than lots of gas.Day 3 - Woke up at 7 am with moderate cramping ready to go. I had a good deal or darker colored stool at first. The smell is like nothing I have ever had come out of me and I am an avid Mexican food consumer. I was in the bathroom for 20 mins (15 mins of action and 5 mins to finish angry birds). While I was washing my hands I had to go back in for another round. The stool was loose and lighter colored the second time. I went 6 times through out the day. There seemed to be mucus like ‘stuff’ laced throughout the loose logs. Like the colons version of tinsel on a tree.Day 4 - I again hit the bathroom half awake at 7 am with mild cramps. I almost made the mistake of letting gas vent in bed. Wow am I glad I didn’t. I no sooner hit the seat before my body let out what is best described as a chocolate shotgun blast. This prompted a shower after. I have noticed a good deal of oily film on the water. I hope the smell means that my body is getting rid of this stuff and not reacting to the formula. Day 4 is in the books with 5 movements. Most of which were urgent requiring a fast paced duck walk to the nearest bathroom. Frequent gas 710 on the funk scale…Day 5 - Went right after my first cup of coffee. I was all some what solid and it was less urgent this time. Still producing a large volume of the ‘tinsel turds’. I have been drinking 6-8 bottles of water a day and have definitely noticed that I am thirsty all the time. I have also noticed that I am ravenously hungry. I am sticking to small healthy meals (chicken breast and fresh veggies). I made it through the day with only one movement. The Gas has definitely been the most extreme today that it has been. I am not sure how I am going to do this at work. I am basically a walking crop duster. 1110 on funk scale. I am also down 5 lbs from day 0.

Brace for impact!!

Pretty sure in am now sterile on the inside. I have seen things come out of me that are indesribeable. Pretty sure a piece of bubble gum I swallowed in high school came out. I haven’t eaten corn in 3 week either, apparently there were a lot of kernels trapped in there. It works,Maybe too well. Be close to a toilet and carry some wet wipes. God’s speed.

Great product!!!

I was glad to try this product. After reading other reviews, I prepared myself for frequent bathroom visits. I will use this product again. I also lost a few pounds.


You have to drink water along with this to get things moving. If I am hydrated, I go every day. If not and I take this , it doesn’t move as fast. This works but remember to drink drink drink WATER

These pills are a miracle work when your system needs …

These pills are a miracle work when your system needs a little help, but make sure to be near your facility!!

A gross review about a good cleanse…

I am a 34 year old female in good health other than I occasionally get constipated. I try to do a cleanse a few times a year to prevent this, and it helps. Prior cleanses I did gave me tons of cramping and explosive diarrhea, so I decided to try this one.The Good:1-This stuff works like clockwork. I would take it between 8pm-11pm each night and every morning right around 9am it would kick in and I would have to use the bathroom.2-It starts working immediately. It worked the morning after I took the pills for the first time.3-No cramping at all!4-What comes out isn’t diarrhea, so there’s no nasty explosions.The Bad:1-When you feel the need to go to the bathroom, you better find one quick! You have about 2 minutes before you cr@p your pants!2-The first several days I woke up bloated and gassy. It eventually stops, but be prepared for that.The Gross:1-Your poop will smell insanely bad. I mean, poop normally doesn’t smell great, but the smell of what is coming out of you is intense. The best way to describe it is this: Have you ever left vegetables too long in the fridge and they secrete that nasty brown juice in your veggie drawer? Yeah, it smells like that.2-Your poop will have the weirdest texture. Mine was really “fluffy” and floated. It almost looked like it was made of foam. It’s hard to explain until you see it.Anyway…I completed the entire bottle over 14 days as a cleanse and my stomach feels much better. I did not lose any weight, but my stomach is definitely flatter and feels better. Be prepared to have to poop several times each day. I was going 3-4 times a day.

Five Stars

One of the best colon cleanse on the market. Affordable quality ingredients.

Crappy product…..😂😂😂

This stuff works. It’s kind of gross, but it works. I haven’t had any problems with cramping, but I do have to “go” several times a day, which is unusual for me.

Lost 4 Lbs, Feel Renewed

I was really afraid to do a detox because I’ve never done it before. I imagined that I’d be running to the bathroom every 10 minutes but it wasn’t like that at all.

Five Stars


This product really works. I took one pill before …

This product really works. I took one pill before bedtime, and I felt the affects the next morning. I don’t feel as sluggish as before.

Gentle yet extremely effective!!

This is the most gentle, yet effective colon cleanser that I’ve ever used – and that’s saying a lot, as I’ve used colon cleansers for 30 or more years!!


Very effective made me lose weight but it did cause a bit of cramping other than that great product

Five Stars

Works great!!!! It will be effective about 12 hours after I taking the pills.

Thank you!

I’ve really been impressed by the results for his product! I will definitely be reordering!

after that works like a

This product really works. First few a little slow acting but, after that works like a charm

Five Stars

It works

Will Buy Again

Very good stuff. Amazing

Get it at Amazon

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