Fender Clip-On Tuner FT-004 for Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Violin, Mandolin, and Banjo

Fender Clip-On Tuner FT-004 for Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Violin, Mandolin, and Banjo
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Product Specifications

  • Small, compact size one-handed swivel clamp
  • Tuning modes include: Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Violin and Chromatic
  • Tuning Range B0-B7.
  • 1x 3V 2032 battery required (included)

    Product Description

Size:Single The small format FT-004 Fender clip on Tuner is easy to operate even under darkened stage conditions. Built-in vibration sensor for acurate tuning even in noisy areas. The large LCD display with easy-to-read needle shows white when out of tune and bright green when in tune.

Product Reviews

Buyer, Beware!

The packaging states a certificate of QC pass and a 3V 2032 battery are included. They were not and obviously without a battery,the tuner does NOT work. Now I have to find a 3V 2032 battery in the very small town where I live or return the tuner or order one by mail ($$$)The manufacturer is in China and there is no phone # to call.Even for $7, I expected a functioning tuner. Buy at your own risk on this one

Good price, works, depending on usage may only be able to see sideways

I have used a BOSS stomp box tuner for a really long time, I just assumed it was the standard. But the last gig I played live, everybody seemed to have one of these. Hmm, have I never noticed??? I needed something for my acoustic, since it doesn’t have a pickup to go directly into my BOSS box, I figured this would work and if live bands trust these things, hey, I can too. The price is nice too. I got it and wow, is that thing tiny! But the display is pretty legible, so it’s not a problem. The blue change to green when on the note is a nice touch.The only thing I don’t like about this is the limited movement of it. I have it clipped to the headstock of my guitar and pointed behind it, so I can see it when I look to my left. When in that orientation, the display is sideways and you simply cannot change it to be right side up. It doesn’t take too long to get used to a sideways display, it definitely hasn’t hurt my ability to tune. It’s just a little awkward. Other than that, this is a good product!

Very Impressed

This is a small tuner, but it works. I’ve tried it out on 12 electric (various head stocks), 3 acoustic electric guitars and 4 and 5 string basses. I’ve tried it out on a violin and it worked! Easy to read but you have to make sure you tap the button on the right setting. I’ve hit the button on accident and wondered why I wasn’t in tune, so double check the setting before tuning.I haven’t tried this out on a banjo or a 12-string yet. The tuner did struggle a bit with the 5 string bass and during live playing it didn’t seem to have any issues. The pitch of the tuner is pretty accurate to my Korg Pitch Black Pro! You can do 12 step and open tuning.The life of the battery is a bit of a concern but so far so good. The compartment to the battery does take a precision Philips head driver which could be an issue for some.Overall I’m impressed and is another tool to use to keep your instrument in tune. Can it replace your stompbox? That comes down to your personal preference. I cut my volume knob and tune from the FT-004, so tuning in silent is possible. This was mainly for my acoustics, and soon has found it’s way into my electrics.

Nice gadget!

What a neat gadget! I’m getting back into my guitar after 30 years. Way back last time I looked, strobotuners were rare and outside most musician’s monetary reach.Without any other tuner to compare it to, I’m quite impressed. I love the little flat/sharp screen flip thingy. The needle briefly flips either sharp or flat before it hits the green ‘in tune’ state it give a heads-up. That’s a nice touch.I don’t need this device to give me a frequency readout since my relative pitch is good enough to get precise on my own but man, having this to get me close is amazing. Hope to give this tuner a run for the money.

Fender FCT-12 - tuning made simple

I recently decided to pick up the guitar again after many years absence, and among the various bits-and-bobs I ordered to go with it, I labored over which tuner to pick up. Of course, Fender has a wonderful pedigree, and the display seemed easy to read so I decided to give this one a try.Seems to work very well. I checked it against another tuner built in to my amp as well as a reference tone and it was pretty much spot-on. While I don’t plan on learning either the cello or ukulele any time soon, it’s nice to know this will keep them in tune in such an eventuality.There is a simple instruction sheet that comes in the box that is enough to get you up and running with it in short order. I simply clipped it to the headstock of my guitar and it “magically” picked up the resonance of the strings through the instrument and provided a full color display. The “analog” like meter makes it easy to see whether you are sharp or flat, and a green line appears in the very center when you’re right on target. It will also display which note you’re playing, making it handy if you want to try an alternate tuning for the instrument.I like that it’s compact, lightweight, and thus far seems pretty accurate. If I did have one thing to put on my wish list, it would have been for a somewhat better method of turning the device around. It will pivot 360 degrees in the lateral plane, but is a bit more limited moving it up or down. This makes for some odd viewing angles, and while it’s still easy to see I would have preferred a ball joint that would have allowed it more flexibility in getting a decent viewing angle. For this reason, I deducted one star. It’s otherwise a solid little device and I’d heartily recommend it.

Works After Removing Battery a Few Times

Giving 4 stars because I had to take out the battery 3 times and put it back in before it worked. So if yours isn’t working, try taking out the battery and putting it back in a time or 3. Other than that, it works, finally. When I first received it, it was only picking up two chords, and wouldn’t recognize the remaining. Then as I was about to set up a return, I noticed the instructions state that if it isn’t working properly, to remove battery and then put it back in. Had to do it 3 times, but at least now I don’t have the hassle of returning the item. At this point, I’m just happy it works.

Works great, and battery EASY to change! ;-)

Great tuner. Easy to learn and use. Writing mainly because a previous reviewer commented on how difficult it was to change the battery. Extremely small screw, etc. I wonder if this might have been the case at one time? The battery compartment opens with a 14 turn of a coin making replacement of the CR2032 battery as easy as can be. I have found free tuner aps for my smart phone that do more, but results are comparable with either and this handly little device is great. Reasonably priced. Highly recommend to other.

Five Stars

the tuner works good . really good service

Five Stars

Works great!

Five Stars

Great one!

Ive had this tuner for like three weeks and now it doesn’t register half the …

Ive had this tuner for like three weeks and now it doesn’t register half the strings on my banjo so I can’t tune it at all

Two Stars

This might work, but it came without a battery, so I don’t know.

Guitar tuner

My son lost his previous tuner and he says he loves this one. He can tune his guitar on his own with this tuner which is great so we don’t have to try and figure out how to tune…

Worked the first time and quit. :-(

This tuner worked great the first time but a few hours later, It’s WAY off. A little expensive for a one time tuning.

Perfect for my 12 year old son just learning to …

Perfect for my 12 year old son just learning to play guitar. Took him less than a minute to figure out how it works.

Five Stars

One of the best tuner on the market

Best clip on tuner

I like having small tuners that stay in my guitars. These have been my favorite so far. Tunes great and easy to set. Works perfect for multiple instruments which was my needs.

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