Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell
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Product Description

In the near future, Major (Scarlett Johansson) is the first of her kind: A human saved from a terrible crash, who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world’s most dangerous criminals. When terrorism reaches a new level that includes the ability to hack into people’s minds and control them, Major is uniquely qualified to stop it. As she prepares to face a new enemy, Major discovers that she has been lied to: her life was not saved, it was stolen. She will stop at nothing to recover her past, find out who did this to her and stop them before they do it to others. Based on the internationally acclaimed Japanese Manga, “The Ghost in the Shell.”

Product Reviews

Outstanding sci-fi sleeper of 2017!

I have to admit, my expectations for this film were lower than average, having heard all of the negative press. I saw it in 3D IMAX at the theater on opening weekend, and social media had so destroyed the hype for this film that there were all of 10 people in the audience.I was shocked at how much I loved this film. It pulled me in and won me over. Scarlett Johansson is perfectly cast in the lead role, and carries this movie with all of the existential angst that she is meant to.I would compare this movie to Blade Runner, it’s that good. I saw BR in the theater as a kid, and was similarly blown away by it. But likewise, BR received a lot of negative press for being misunderstood by the critics. I’m not sure that this film will be able to recover from all of the negativity heaped on it, but it deserves to.It’s a real shame, because the end of the film attempts to set up for a sequel. But that sequel is never going to happen.If I may address some of the criticisms of this film:* “Whitewashing” of the lead character - The characters in the original story are multicultural. Johansson’s character is wearing a “shell”; even though she was born Japanese, she’s not supposed to be identifiable. Nowhere in the manga or the animated film is it stated that the character has to have a Japanese shell.* It’s not close enough to the source - Well, the anime isn’t the original version, anyway. If you were wanting a shot-for-shot remake of the anime, go watch the anime. The original version is the manga book, and the anime takes great liberties from the manga.* “Yeah, but the anime!” - What works in a Japanese anime isn’t going to work in a live-action production. But if I may make another comparison, the Marvel films take a LOT of liberties with the characters and the universe, in order to make comic book films that work in live action. This film clearly establishes its own voice and its own universe, and does it quite well.

Excellent movie, Ignore the ‘bad’ talk!

Speaking as a GitS anime fanboy who read the unfortunate reviews in the Spring and was anticipating being disappointed, I really enjoyed the film and would purchase a sequel.Loved the bits from all the anime film and the Japanese TV series that made up a very well done Hollywood version including the schmaltzy ending that I preferred for poor, tortured Motoko.I wish the boosted anime chromatics from the classics were evident across the live-action film, particularly on the warehouse wall of tattered advertisements and posters backgrounding the famous water fight scene from the original film…but that’s a picky fanboy talking.Funimation should take a firm hand, ignore the bad reviews that were clearly a hit from a competitor fearing a hit movie series and produce another with the terrific director, writer and cast.But, next time, Tachikomas!

it would have been fine. Villians and characters were composites of characters from …

To quote dave2001 “An altogether shameful adaptation.“It was a cross between the original movies season 1 of the series and season 2 of the series. This kept pulling me back to reality, very hard to stay immersed. If they had recreated the original movie OR condensed Season one and Season two to a cohesive story line, it would have been fine. Villians and characters were composites of characters from all three.. Just a mess. Love Scarlett Johansson, I wish they would have allowed her to actually act the original character.

Its a 3D blu-ray as expected

Is this a review for the movie, or the actual physical product? If it is for the physical product, it is as expected. If it is for the movie content, I’d say it was very well done, colorful and interesting. I wouldn’t want to live in a world like that though.

Ghost in the Shell


It was ok

Meh. I didn’t get it.

Visually Stunning Take on a Japanese Classic - Ignore the Hypercritical

For those unfamiliar with the 1995 anime film, Ghost in the Shell, the story is well paced and easy to understand for newcomers. For fans this is a very special experience as the story has a new but familiar feeling.Having seen both original Ghost in the Shell series and movies, I think this live action adaptation did the best job possible in terms of bringing the anime to life. Much of the live action is very much the same as the animated movie. There were a few tweaks to the storyline made but is catering to a mainstream audience with the main iconic action scenes still intact.As we are nearing the age of cybernetic enhancement, this was the perfect psychological thriller of how our consciousness might be transported in the future. It was a perfect rendition of the setting in the series: dark, gritty, cybernetic, futuristic, metropolis and cyberpunk. Nothing could have prepared me for the immersion and dystopia of the senses that brought home so many important issues of the technological age. The acting was far better than expected, the script was believable and the visual effects were stunning.Overall, Ghost in the Shell is a solid movie in the Sci-Fi genre. The atmosphere, effects, music and aesthetics are beautiful. The story is slightly changed but still thought provoking. If this wasn’t an adaptation but an original film I’m convinced the ratings would look completely different and the critics would be positive. Don’t let negative ratings of super critical anime lovers stop you from seeing this movie. If you have never seen the original Ghost in the Shell - now is the time.

Not bad, but not stellar.

I never got into GITS til the PS2 SAC game, but the Major’s badass character blew me away, so I’ve been sort of following the GITS films.

Solid Refreshing Film

I haven’t been too excited about movies as of late. The stuff coming out these days….is forgettable at best.

Five Stars

Great movie


I want to first say, that I have not seen the movie yet. I have purchased over 45 4K you HD with HDR movies. I have an 11 channel Denon receiver that I have set up as a 7.3.

I loved the way this movie was done.

I loved this movie and wondered if it will lead to another movie

Visually amazing!

I almost didn’t buy this after reading such horrible reviews. I’m familiar with the original story and subsequent series and movies; but I wouldn’t call myself a great fan of it.

A ghost story

Watched the “Ghost in the Shell” (1995) long time ago…and I liked it. Watched the “Ghost in the Shell” (2017) when it came out…and I liked it.

If you liked the ORIGINAL Ghost in the Shell

If you liked the ORIGINAL Ghost in the Shell, then you’ll want to skip this, it sucked so hard it stopped global warming.

Get it at Amazon

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