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Product Description

Gravity (Blu-ray 3D+Blu-ray+DVD+DIGITAL HD+UltraViolet Combo Pack)

NOTE:Please open the case, you will see the 3D disc and the certificate. The normal Blu-Ray is on the same spindle as the 3-D beneath it and the DVD is on the left side beneath the download certificate.

Product Reviews

Of course, Sandra and George are the only two …

Of course, Sandra and George are the only two movie stars who could have pulled this movie off, as seemingly realistic. I can see why it won the awards that it did. Certainly, the story, itself, is engaging, but the visual effects are just way over the top. A must-see DVD for those who are interested in outer space, human drama, and watching the heroine solve one gigantic problem after the other.

Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.

I was just absolutely astounded by the power of this movie. You need the 3-D feature to fully appreciate the stunning visuals; and 3-D is not used as a gimmick here…with only two developed characters, the film relies heavily on the visuals of deep space. In a recent press conference, the director (and co-producer and writer) Alfonso Cuaron, was subjected to the usual inane questions from the press; one of which - especially idiotic - was a query about the difficulties of filming in deep space…☺ Cuaron is forging quite a reputation in filmdom, with the fine films, “Children of Men” and “Prisoner of Azkaban” (arguably the best of the Harry Potter films) in his resume. This is by far his best effort though; and I would expect to see this movie - as a minimum - nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. While 3-D is de riguer for the visuals, you do not need it to appreciate the commanding and masterful performance by Sandra Bullock. Bullock is such a fine comic actress that she does not often get serious roles like this…and it is a pity. When she does get them - like in “Blindside” - she has excelled; and I feel certain she will get at least a Best Actress nomination for this superb effort. Bullock plays a mission specialist on her first space mission; the other developed character is the mission commander, played by George Clooney, who also does a fine job. The film is also technically accurate for the most part, even receiving praise from space veterans and you will not have to suspend your belief system to appreciate the story as it is one that could conceivably happen. The sound editing is also another plus…I have nothing but praise for this effort and give it my highest recommendation.

Sandra is back.

I love Sandra and she finally found another movie she could use her considerable talent. And I think she should have easily won the Oscar for her role. Sandra is Dr. Ryan Stone, a brilliant engineer who with astronaut Gregory Kowalski are attempting to fix a satellite in space. Unfortunately a disaster occurs destroying their only ride back to earth and now attached to each other, they must make it to the International Space Station as their only hope to get home safely. Disaster after disaster strikes and Dr. Ryan, who in the beginning appears to be withdrawn and a somewhat sad and lonely woman, finds strength she did not know she had. The last half of the movie is strictly Sandra and proves why she is an Oscar winner. She is a strong personality that can carry just about any storyline if it is written and directed well. My opinion, she should have won the Oscar, hands down. And while I like George Clooney, he was good in the supporting role as aging astronaut because Sandra Bullock was beside him. I did however wish the director and/or writer would have made it a bit more realistic when it came to the antics he(Kowalski) pulls while Dr. Ryan attempts to fix the board on the satellite. Considering where they were at, the childish behavior would not have been allowed due to the risk and danger to the entire team.

Good action but a little too far fetched

Although I liked the movie I did not feel it was a great film. Certainly not in the same class as Interstellar with Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Michael Cain, and John Lithgow but I digress. This movie has decent 3d implementation and I certainly don’t fault Sandra Bullock who is one my favorite actors or George Clooney but I did find the story a bit far fetched. Yes it is action packed, yes the actors are believable, but for me the problems start when they reach the ISS. It is just too many bad things happening in really rapid succession that test the limit of belief for the audience. That is what lets it down for me. Any one of those events is rare but the probability they would all happen in succession like that must be astronomically small.

Excellent Visual Effects… Everything else, meh.

The visual effects in this flick are mind blowing. They do an awesome job of making you feel like you’re there… even more clearly than if you were actually there (if that’s possible). There are some scenes that are absolutely captivating.That said… I was quite disappointed in this movie. Apparently, I was subcouciously making a face of bizarre disappointment so much so that my wife interupted the middle of the movie and said “OMG, you should see your face, lol”.Anyway, I realize having just watched this in March of 2014 I am way behind all the buzz and hype, but I still had high hopes. I’m a huge space fan, and while I heard reviews that said the physics just don’t add up, I figured that was just snotty scientists picking it apart. Um… it wasn’t. Several of the scenes were so blatently inaccurate that even my 4 year old son would ask… ‘Why is he falling in space’? “uh, I don’t know son… this isn’t normal space apparently”. There were just several scenes that were too silly (physics aside) that may have been entertaining in the theater with a group, but at home… just didn’t fit at all.In another strange take of the movie, several parts of it seemed rushed… almost like you didn’t get a chance to capture the, uh… ‘gravity’ of the situation.Sandra was solid… Clooney, seems to have no business being in this film. There was a bit too much joking around, and I think this flick would have been awesome with a bit more seriousness to it (Tom Hanks?).But seriously… The effects are mind blowing. So if you don’t mind the laws of nature and reality, or your good at kinda ignoring those things, this movie is awesome. And even if you can’t get over it.. it’s still entertaining. Just be mindful of the silly faces you could make during it. :)

Five Stars



Great movie

I can’t believe anyone ever attached themselves to this waste of time

From the beginning everything is spinning going in circles and after ten ten minutes of this I got sick to my stomach. I tried another ten minutes later and the same thing.

Four Stars


Five Stars

3d effects were really good. Wished tge blu ray had an alternate ending version

Loved it

Great movie.

Let it go to the black hole

Again a great idea but putting that in to the movies screened failed


Gravity is without a doubt one of the single most impressive space films ever made. Alfonso Cuarón’s skills as a writer and director are used to their fullest.

Four Stars

Another good movie.


BORING… really boring…. a film that comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.

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