IMAX: Journey to Space

IMAX: Journey to Space
IMAX: Journey to Space
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Product Specifications

Product Description

Brilliantly narrated by film and television legend Sir Patrick Stewart, Journey To Space gives a sweeping overview of humanity’s accomplishments in space, as well as our ongoing activities and future plans.

Journey To Space puts into historical context the magnificent contributions made by the Space Shuttle program and its intrepid space pioneers. It uses the most spectacular space footage (including unique views of Earth and operations in space) such as deploying and repairing the Hubble Space Telescope. It then goes on to show how the shuttle launched and assembled the International Space Station (ISS). Together, these programs have taught us how to live, build and conduct scientific experiments in space. The ISS will continue operating in space until 2024, and the film shows how it is building a foundation for the next giant leaps into space, concluding with a fascinating, realistic scenario of how astronauts will actually get to Mars, live there for long durations, and then return home after a two-and-a-half-year mission.

Special Features Include:

-Behind-The-Scenes Footage -Photo Gallery -Trailers

Product Reviews

The curious case of Patrick Stewart and false advertising.

*updated July 2017 to fix a couple typos*Let me start off by saying that when they claim this is narrated by our beloved Captain Picard they aren’t telling the entire truth. All told he narrates about 4 min of this entire “film” and the rest of it is narrated by a couple other people.Now for the video quality itself. If you are buying this for the same reasons I did, which was to see awesome space stuff in 4k HDR as well as watch a 1080p version in 3d while learning cool stuff then I suggest you DONT BUY IT.First most of the footage isn’t shot in 4k or even 1080p. The majority of footage shown is stock footage from various other sources most of which is standard definition resolution. The stuff that is in 4k is very minimal and clearly reused IMAX footage from something else.This is stuffed to the brim with stock footage presented in a small box in the middle of your 4k tv. Even the 1080p 3d disc has the same issue on a 1080p TV. They use tons of old non hd footage and stick it in a box that sits in the middle of your tv.The 3d parts themselves just like the 4k parts are minimal. They do alot of taking old static images and making a person pop out of the background but most of the video is not shot in 3d or even presented in 3d. The footage that is shot with real 3d cameras looks great as does the 4k stuff but it’s so minimal I feel that the product description is false advertising and that’s just unfair.Don’t buy this looking for great 4k, don’t buy this to learn cool new things or to hear Patrick Stewart narrate and don’t buy it for the 3d because added together each makes up about 10% of this movie.There are better options out there so don’t be sucked in by the lower than average price for a UHD Blu-ray. In fact there are more informative videos on YouTube some of which are in 4k albeit not as high quality 4k as this.Save your money for something better. Something that doesn’t misrepresent what it is to earn a quick buck. You didn’t buy a nice 4k screen and uhd Blu-ray player to watch standard definition content. I know I didn’t.

Great 4K quality….except for all the other parts that aren’t 4K and framed

The 4K quality is excellent in this film, very clean and very sharp. It also has dual color range options accessible from the menu so you can play the movie in HDR or SDR (where a lot of 4K discs are HDR by default).The cons:There is a lot of footage on here that is lower res, what looks like 1080 and 480p shots. This is due to the methods that some of the old historical footage is captured in. So this equates to a good 20% of the film being shown within a frame, as the lower res video is shown in its native aspect ratio and size.I would have given this a higher rating, but when you have a 43 minute film and the first 10 min is video in a tiny frame in the middle of the screen, it’s a bit disappointing.I don’t think its a bad movie, but when you are paying for a 4k movie, you expect the entire thing to be 4k.

Great, but not perfect, 4K HDR of space

I really liked this. It looks amazing in 4K HDR, no question about it. There’s some amazing footage here. I have a few small complaints that keep me from giving it 5 stars. They are, arguably, not fair criticisms, but I share them nonetheless:- The first half or so of the film is real footage, but the second half talks about future trips to Mars. We of course don’t have real video of this, it hasn’t happened yet. So there’s lots of CGI stuff here. It looks great, but it’d be nice if they included a “simulation” sub-title to make it clear when we’re looking at real vs CGI footage. There is real stuff mixed in in this section, but I found it hard to trust what was real and what wasn’t when I knew there was so much CGI mixed in.- The older non-4K stuff is shown in smaller frames, rather than upscaling them to 4K to fit the screen. There’s no perfect solution here. Especially some of the older 480i TV footage just isn’t going to look good blown up. Even with 720p or 1080i or p, there’s not necessarily anything wrong with their choice to show it in a native resolution taking up part of the screen rather than showing it upscaled. But it’s not a common technique for dealing with this, so it was somewhat odd looking.- It’s short, but I knew that going in. Still, would have loved to at least have a full hour, especially with the amount of CGI that’s included. But none of the IMAX stuff appears to be longer than 45ish minutes.These are all minor complaints. Overall this is a great way to get some really great 4K HDR space footage. I hope there will be more releases that give us more content in the future, but for now there isn’t much available besides this.

A mixed bag

While the topic is presented well, the film is only 41 minutes long (less than the 45 stated on the box). Patrick Stewart narrates about half of it; the balance is narrated by astronauts and others. These people are certainly knowledgable about their topics but lack the professional voiceover skills.Additionally, about 20% of the film is in low-res letterboxed format, albeit with a pretty background.I will give it kudos for an excellent use of sound mixing on takeoffs. Overall, I’d likely buy it again but that’s mainly due to the lack of 4K BRD content as I write this.

Five Stars


Great I use it on my opal 4K Blu-ray

Great I use it on my opal 4K Blu-ray

Five Stars

Cool video.

Not all in 4K

Very little of this movie was actually shot in 4K.

Visually great, but substantively boring

Visually stunning, but rather boring.

Wonderful DVD. With 4K UHD TV the shots from …

Wonderful DVD. With 4K UHD TV the shots from space are fantastic with no atmosphere to reduce picture clarity.

Worth watching

Beautiful man vie in 4 K

Stunningly beautiful presentation of a fascinating subject

When I bought this disc, I didn’t have a TV in my house - I spend too much time in front of a screen as it is - but I figured I’d have one some day.

Interesting! Don’t know how often I would replay it though.

A mixture of historical, current and CGI imagery, the video is a documentary and a vision of what could be the next step in space exploration, the journey to Mars.

Four Stars

I received what I bought in excellent condition and on time. I recommend! Thanks

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