Jack the Giant Slayer tells the story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack, into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend—and gets the chance to become a legend himself.
I enjoyed this movie way more than I thought I would. I’m not sure how well it did in theaters or on video for that matter but myimpression was that it was only so so. Maybe it was low expectations but I tried not to judge but only to watch and was surprisedto find that I thought it was a lot of fun. The 3D looked really good and the picture quality of the 3D and Blu-Ray was top notch.In my opinion, most of the time, films are just as enjoyable or sometimes even more so in 2D but in this case I think the 3Dwas a positive addition.
This is a classic folklore tale that leaves you wondering…. could it be possible? After all perhaps truth and fiction are one. Old historians certainly thought so. Acting performances are very well done across the board and there is a very special and sweet chemistry between Eleanor Tomlinson (princess Isabelle) and Nicholas Hoult (Jack). The story is tangible and takes one back to being a child when the outstanding doesn’t seem silly. Magical and action packed- never a dull moment from start to finish- the special affects are fantastic. A must watch and own.
A rather tasteful, bloodless version of the famous fairy tale. It looks lovely and everything runs smoothly (more or less). The fact that it’s pat and perfunctory was its undoing. I can see why it was a box office dud. There’s very little magic to be had. The singing harp was present and accounted for but quickly passed over. Most of the elements one would expect from this story were cast aside for a tiny bit of romance, brief adventure, and an almost epic battle. It didn’t help that the feature began with a whiplash effect between Jack’s childhood and that of the princess. Scenes sped back and forth at an alarming rate, at times the separate conversations folded into one another making it impossible to keep up. I suppose the director thought this was an interesting gimmick to employ but the result was entirely too cute and confusing. An odd choice considering the admonishment that was used on Jack ad nauseam: “don’t get distracted!” Very little imagination went into the making of this movie. My biggest complaint remains, it was too darn tame (practically sanitized to death). I expected more backbone, especially considering the subject matter. As for the cast, Nicholas Hoult made a decent Jack, Eleanor Tomlinson was a lovely princess, and Ian McShane was perfectly cast as the king. I smiled when I heard Bill Nighy’s voice for half of the two-headed giant. But I couldn’t understand why Ewan McGregor deigned to play such a lackluster role that anyone could have done. The same goes for Stanly Tucci as the villain Lord Roderick (a villainous creature from first to last and yet all of the characters voiced surprise to learn that he was a megalomaniac only out for personal gain!).At worst, this was just a pleasant diversion that should have been a lot better. At any rate, I enjoyed it enough that I wouldn’t mind watching it again someday. It’s a keeper.
Jack the Giant Slayer114 minAdventure/FantasyMarch 1, 2013USADirector: Bryan SingerWriters: Darren Lemke and Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay)Stars: Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ewan McGregor, Stanley TucciAn excellent fantasy movie that the trailers don’t do justice, but the reviews will give you a good idea. This has far more depth than I expected. Although the special effects are great, the movie has a good story, action, romance, horror, and more. Loosely following the fairytale “Jack and the Beanstalk”, Jack receives magic beans for the sale of a horse (cow in the fairytale), but the similarity ends there. Oh sure there is an ornate egg, but not solid gold and no goose that laid it. Nonetheless a great story and script, wonderful casting, exceptional acting, superb directing, excellent F/X, and lovely music. Jack’s uncle is mad with him taking beans for his horse, and throws them on the floor. One goes through the floor and grows. While the princess visits him for an earlier rescue she ends up in his house at the top of a beanstalk in the land of horrible giants. Jack informs the king and a group of soldiers are sent to rescue her. So as not to spoil the rest, suffice it to say the movie is well worth viewing and owning and I plan to get the Blu-ray once it drops from the absolutley ridiculous price of about thirty-five dollars to under fifteen dollars.Recommendations: Stardust,Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief,Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters,Clash of the Titans (2010),Immortals,Jason And The Argonauts, and Jack the Giant Killer (cheesy by todays standards, but still fun).CA Luster
A fun film that gets better when viewed in 3-D! It even keeps the kids quiet while watching. Make sure popcorn is made ahead of time to avoid missing any of the video!
Jack the Giant Slayer was a big budget film. Unfortunately, it really doesn’t look like a big budget film. The giants look decidely fake. Given the advancements in CGI technology and the budget this film had I’m at a complete loss how the giants could look so unconvincing. Putting that aside I actually thought the movie itself was pretty good. It was fast-paced, had a good cast, and although at times it bordered on cheesy it was always fun.
liked very much
Came in both Blu-ray and DVD Brand new…loved the product and love the movie …what a Thrill Ride!
Arrived quickly and was exactly as expected.
This may be the best 3D movie I have seen yet. The acting is fantastic. The CGI is very life like. The story and dialog are well written.
This is quite a fun movie! Lots of action but still lighthearted without being too kidsy. It looked great too!
nice spin on a classic
comments powered by DisqusAnother fun fairy tale movie. Love the giants! Very entertaining. Glad they made it not too serious. Adventure and humor.