John Wick

John Wick
John Wick
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Additional Features Includes Dolby Atmos – Dolby Atmos is a revolutionary new audio technology that transports you into extraordinary entertainment experience. With Dolby Atmos enabled receivers and speaker configurations, sound comes from all directions, including overhead, to create an immersive experience with clarity, richness, detail, and depth. With existing home theater systems, you will get a great surround sound experience.

Product Reviews

If you enjoy action movies and you’ve never watched this movie

Must See movie. John Wick is one of those action films which that defines a genre. While the reality of the combat may be argued by the combat cogniscenti, the quality of the characterization, the plot and the action raised the bar to such an extent it is hard to find an equal. If you enjoy action movies and you’ve never watched this movie, you’re wrong.

A cultured, sleazy revenge flick

Nine Things About the Movie “John Wick” (USA, 2014)1. This is probably the best action movie of 2014. It’s certainly the movie with the highest body count of 2014.2. It’s directed by two guys who, before they made this movie together, were mostly stunt coordinators and stunt doubles for people like Brad Pitt, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Keanu Reeves.3. Speaking of Keanu Reeves, he’s great in this. You see, there is a very specific type of movie in which Keanu excels - action flicks where he moves around a lot and hardly talks. This had to be his dream role.4. Reeves plays John Wick, a depressed nobody dealing with the loss of his wife. When a few things go wrong, we find out that John isn’t exactly a nobody. In fact, he has quite a reputation as an assassin for the Russian mafia.5. What’s fascinating about this film is that this is no street-level gang war stuff. These are all super rich, civilized professionals that move in their own exclusive circles. There are codes to be honored, and rules to be followed.6. There are some truly great action sequences in the movie. These scenes were clearly inspired by John Woo’s Chinese gun-fu classics like “The Killer” and “Hard Boiled”.7. The movie has a sleazy, industrial rock soundtrack which is a great counterpoint to the opulent, cultured environment that the characters live in.8. Of course, being firmly in the action genre, it also follows those conventions, like bad guys that line up to take on the good guy one by one. And villains that like to tie the good guy up in a chair and give a speech, instead of just killing him. But people do run out of bullets sometimes, so that’s a refreshing change.9. The movie has a wry sense of humor, letting us know that it knows what it is. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, and doesn’t try to be anything other than a revenge flick that kicks ass. If that’s what you’re looking for, then you just found it.

Be polite - always have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

I enjoyed watching this so much a few weeks back, I watched it again a few days ago. I didn’t buy the Blu-ray, not yet, but I may in a few months when I can get it cheaper through Amazon or some other reseller - meanwhile, watching it twice in a few weeks’ time is enough for now.Enough to ask one question: for a man who once killed 3 men with only a f**king pencil, what takes him to long to realize he has a backup pistol in his belt behind his back while he and the Russian punk kid’s older brother are hashing it out in the club? Did the fifteen foot drop off the balcony pound some sense into him?I found it fun, intense, really wished the directors had gone into a little more detail about his background, done a little more character development (like what’s that private little hit-man’s club all about anyway? Is this what Martin Blank’s nemesis played by Dan Ackroyd - Grosse Pointe Blank - had in mind in a parallel comic-book minded universe?),they could have given us more of a glimpse into the characters played by John Leguizamo, for example. There’s DEPTH there, briefly flashed upon when he grabs the gun being held to his head and says go ahead and shoot without a scintilla of fear. Who IS this guy and who owns him that he’s that fearless in the face of imminent death? And he hits Viggo’s kid and answers to Viggo in a tone like he simply said “hey you, get off my lawn” when Viggo could end him in very unpleasant ways, but doesn’t.There are layers upon layers of background, of RESPECT, of rules, a finely crafted code of honor among thieves (killers, dealers, power brokers) one wishes existed in our very own US Congress. Everything looks very finely polished from the outside and the chaos within is managed by contracts, permissions, RULES, honorable men. VERY unlike our US Congress (chaos on the outside, God knows what behind closed doors - or maybe it’s the same thing and I’m reaching here for allegory that doesn’t exist).The choreography in the home invasion scenes were amazing. Very detailed but could have been a little better. I thought they were too choreographed where real CQB (and HTH) fighting is uglier, MUCH FASTER and chaotic (having been in more than a handful of bar fights and brawls in my somewhat misspent youth and surviving one home invasion) but (kudos to the director here) not entirely one-sided as John really has to struggle in a few places, but hey, wait a second… night vision gear (especially the cheap Russian stuff) is available just about everywhere and cutting the power before a hit like this isn’t just for NAVDEVGRU or other SPECOPS forces anymore. Just how stupid ARE the Russian “mafia” contract killers anyway? Don’t they know their target is (DUN-Dun-dun…) JOHN WICK? And he JUST might have a pencil or two lying around?Every time I make “dinner reservations” in the future I’m going to laugh, at least inwardly.My favorite scene so far? The guy who played the brother in “Rescue Me” the one from the “Mayhem” insurance commercials, playing Viggo’s “consigliere” getting capped. If only more lawyers could wind up like that…It’s a rare action film I find wishing it had been longer, but I could have watched another 30 minutes of John Wick, easily.I’m really looking forward to a sequel (prequel?). Lot of undiscovered territory there. How DID he kill 3 guys with one pencil?

Like Fast/Furious, this is a film that knows how dumb it is, and totally owns it, and that makes it awesome

I’m not a super pro-gun type person, but the violence and killing in this film is just so creative, well staged, and interesting to watch. It certainly doesn’t hurt that the tone expertly straddles the line between po-faced and tongue-in-cheek. It is at times funny and at others, borderline comical. After all, John Wick gets shot, hit by cars, and dropped off ledges throughout and always walks away intact. He also kills probably 100+ guys through the course of the film. So, obviously it’s too ludicrous to be taken too seriously. As for action chops, Keanu has still got it, and as for acting chops…it’s Keanu Reeves. You either love every word and expression the man produces, or you don’t. You know exactly what you are getting here, and sometimes there is nothing more satisfying than watching a film that gives you precisely what you thought it would.


This my 2nd favorite movie of keanu reeves. The 1st one is The Matrix

Imagine the Lobby Scene from the Matrix as an entire movie …

Imagine the Lobby Scene from the Matrix as an entire movie and you would have a good sense for John Wick, the movie.

John Wick

yet another great flick

I loved Keanu Reeves in this part

I loved Keanu Reeves in this part. To me it was a good movie and he was perfect for the part. Along with all the action and the Russian Mafia it was perfect.

A Life Lesson - don’t piss off the person monsters are afraid of if you want to keep breathing.

Motivations were simple and easy to follow but the action was outstanding! Keanu was excellent in his portrayal of a wounded man who, in the middle of his grieving, was given a…

it’s a movie where the most badass assassin kills hundreds of people because one guy killed his puppy- how could you not like this?

I mean, it’s a movie where the most badass assassin kills hundreds of people because one guy killed his puppy- how could you not like this?


LOVED THE MOVIE and the ease of getting it

Imagine the Lobby Scene from the Matrix as an Entire Movie …

Imagine the Lobby Scene from the Matrix as an entire movie and you would have a good sense for John Wick, the movie.

A Life Lesson - don’t piss off the person monsters are afraid of if you want to keep breathing.

Motivations were simple and easy to follow but the action was outstanding! Keanu was excellent in his portrayal of a wounded man who, in the middle of his grieving, was given a…

A Life Lesson - don’t piss off the person monsters are afraid of if you want to keep breathing.

Motivations were simple and easy to follow but the action was outstanding! Keanu was excellent in his portrayal of a wounded man who, in the middle of his grieving, was given a…

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