System requirements-Windows-based PC, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
A universal remote with a colour screen and one-click activity buttons that bring you showtime in no time.
Over the past few years I have owned a Harmony 890, 880, and now the 650. I started with the 890 and loved it. It controlled everything I wanted it it plus features that I didn’t use. The buttons on the 890 started to wear out. I bought a used 880 and it worked ok, but the volume up button stopped working. I finally decided to buy a new 650.My main reason for purchasing the 650 was due to the fact I hate the newer Logitech remotes that use smart phones to work. I want a remote, not a smart phone to control my equipment. I downloaded the software, hooked up the remote to my Macbook, and was able to load the config from my previous remotes into the 650 with no problems. Took a total of 10 mins and I had a fully configured functional remote. I control a Toshiba TV, PS3 (through the adapter), Phillips DVR, Panasonic 5 disk DVD, & a Denon receiver. Before I purchased it I was concerned that the smaller screen would be a problem, but it turns out that the hardware buttons on top make up easily for the smaller screen. The remote works great for what I use it for and I would recommend it for anyone that is looking for a remote to replace their older Logitech.
My previous universal remote was the “Re,” which is basically software plus an infrared blaster that attaches to an iPhone or iPad. I loved it, but programming it was an intense affair which involved a lot of trial and error. I ended up with a brilliant remote that did everything I wanted it to, so when my spouse dropped the iPad and bent the IR blaster, I was fairly devastated. I was sure nothing could ever work as well.So I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that the Logitech Harmony 650 remote could do everything the Re could do, but with far less setup time, and much fewer headaches. You’ll start by recording all the model numbers for your equipment, as well as figuring out all the appropriate settings on your receiver for each component that attaches to it (and in my case, the devices that plug into my standalone HDMI switcher), as well as which inputs on your TV your devices plug into. Once you know all this information, you’ll download the MyHarmony software from their website. You begin the setup process by attaching the remote to your laptop via the provided USB cable and inputting all the information you’ve recorded. As you record the model numbers for each of your components, the software lets you know if the device is found in their database. The Logitech database of known IR device codes is quite extensive, and included all my equipment, some of which is getting rather long in the tooth. My receiver, for example, predates HDMI, so I need to use a separate device to switch between all of my HDMI devices. Thankfully, the database includes the IR code for my Monoprice HDMI switcher as well. Once you record all your equipment, the software prompts you to list each device used for a particular activity. For example, to watch Apple TV, I use my Apple TV device, my receiver, my TV, and my HDMI switcher. Once you’ve input all this information, you sync the remote to your laptop, and with any luck, you’re ready.The first time I tested the remote, the HDMI switcher didn’t respond at all. So I pressed the “Help” button. The Logitech remote asked (via its LCD screen) if a device had failed to respond, and I said “yes.” It then correctly guessed that the HDMI switcher was the weak link, and tried a different code. The switcher powered on, and then the remote asked, “Is it working now?” I said “yes,” and everything has worked perfectly from then on. Super simple!I have not fully tested the remote, but what impressed me most is that when you switch activities, say, from listening to music to watching Apple TV, it turned on – and off – all the appropriate components. With the Re remote, I had to create a separate button to switch from one activity to another, since the steps are different when switching between activities, compared to powering up an activity from an all-off state. The Logitech just worked! The remote also provides the ability to individually control any devices used for an activity. So if the activity is to watch Apple TV, the remote turns everything on, and then allows you to control settings on your receiver, your TV, etc. I haven’t yet tested that functionality, but this is the one area where the Re remote was superior, since it created a virtual remote on the iPhone screen which resembles the remote for the device you’re controlling. Perhaps the Logitech remotes that include idevice apps do this, but I’m not familiar with them, so I can’t say.In any case, this remote is easy to set up with minimal leg work, and works well. At the moment I recommend it highly, but I will certainly revise my review if I find that fails to deliver in some other area.
I have owned this remote for about 9 months. VERY PLEASED…but PLEASE READUse for :TV , DVR, Bluray(w/Netflix), soundbarso basically its 4 items, each with various advanced features.I had no issues with set-up.I did have to do a customized button function for the DVR ‘recorded shows’ button, and I had to manually sync my sound bar following the pretty easy directions…but, let me just say it was easy for me , maybe a little too complex for say, my parents who are not gadget savvy. Or even my wife (hope she doesnt read this)This remote CAN and WILL simplify your remote control experience, but it does require some level of geek savvy when it comes to programming and especially troubleshooting.It helps GREATLY to UNDERSTAND how the remote operates.example:when you press DVD ON, understand everything that goes on in order for you to switch from TV watch mode to DVD watch.The remote will, step by step, and in order, send a different signal to each component. Not simultaneously. Step by step.You need to keep the remote aiming at your component(s) through the entire process..as it will..power on dvd….set input…etc. It could be as many as 4 successive steps with just 1 button being pressed…So, it could take about 10 LONG seconds (I’m used to it now)You have to keep remote aiming properly during this time…So often I have seen people press the WATCH TV button and then put the remote down once the TV turn on…NOPE…thats asking for trouble…you SHOULD KEEP AIMING IT for about 10 long seconds….and hopefully all your components are roughly in the same direction of where u are aiming. For most people thats not an issue. But worth noting.If all of this makes sense to you, thats a BIG PLUS !!!The HELP menu on the remote is pretty handy if a component ‘missed’ a command.Logitech has done a super job making this remote ALMOST easy. A little patience and understanding go a LONG way.Here is my CONS:everything is backlit (love that) EXCEPT the top buttons above the lcd screen!!!…such as the Watch TV button and ALL OFF button. I don’t understand why.CON #2I tend to drop my remote…a LOT.No, it hasn’t broken, despite some pretty bad falls onto a hard wood floor…Thats actually a good thing, its DURABLE….but what I can almost guarantee is with any JOLT to the remote, it will RESET out of whatever mode it was in.Here’s what happens and the quickest solution :I’m watching TV (so I’m in the watch TV mode)I drop the remote.Remote then resets (due to the JOLT of hitting the floor) to the main screen (where I choose what I want to do)The remote will not function until I re-tell it to go to Watch TV mode…HOWEVER, since I am presently actually watching TV when I press the Watch TV button, its not smart enough to realize my tv is already ON…it assumes the TV is OFF, so it sends the power TV signal to the TV…thus turning it OFF.Solution:I hit the Watch TV button while I cup my hand and cover the front of the remote (blocking the signal) so that the “remote” goes into the correct mode, but the “signal” to power the TV doesn’t reach the TV….thus I’m back in the correct watch TV mode without disrupting my TV viewing.If the above doesn’t make sense, from a conceptional point of view, than “maybe” this remote isn’t for you.Its not magical, but it CAN be a great convenience once you understand it.I LOVE it.
The Harmony 650 took 10 minutes to set up and worked perfectly the first time. I recommend this unit and to me an excellent choice.
The only issue I’ve had with this remote is if you drop it you have to go through the set-up assistant every time.
Easy to set up & use. No problem adding a setting that wasn’t already anticipated by the system (and there were a lot of settings).
Love this, so nice to get rid of the remote clutter!
So my very first impressions after having it for a few days: Why didn’t I buy this thing sooner? Lol I love this remote honestly and so far I have it set up to my wireless…
Had to replace my Old control (universal remote brand) and bought this one. My equipment never turns on at first demand.
Like it a lot , good deal on the remote. only problem it doesn’t flash the devices everytime i do unfortunately am use the help button for often than id like because of that.
When the unit works it is fine. It gets unstable and doesn’t work well. Looking for an alternative.
This remote is pretty fantastic. The software is very intuitive for looking up your devices. The different modes/settings makes it simple if you have a home theater setup.
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