Micro TagBand Skin Tag Remover Device for Small to Medium Skin Tags

Micro TagBand Skin Tag Remover Device for Small to Medium Skin Tags
Micro TagBand Skin Tag Remover Device for Small to Medium Skin Tags
Micro TagBand Skin Tag Remover Device for Small to Medium Skin Tags
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  • Micro TagBand works by stopping the skin tags blood supply and results can be seen within days
  • The included cone is placed over the skin tag with the removal device pushing off the band
  • Attached band will tighten onto the base of the skin tag and will cause the skin tag to drop off
  • The Micro TagBand is suitable to be used on all skin tags that are small to medium size (Tags not included)
  • TagBand is suitable for use on all areas of the face and body apart from the sensitive eye area

TagBand’s patent pending design is the only skin tag removal device available on the marketplace with its clever, innovative design allowing for quick and safe skin tag removal. TagBand works by stopping the skin tags blood supply and results can be seen within just a few days of applying a band. The Micro TagBand is suitable for small to medium sized skin tags. TagBand is designed to be used on skin tags on the face and body but we wouldn’t recommend using it around the sensitive eye area. All orders come boxed and include 1 x Micro TagBand cone, 1 x Micro TagBand remover, 10 x Micro TagBands + 10 extra Micro TagBands free of charge (20 bands in total) and easy to understand instructions.

Product Reviews

This product works but here’s some advice

Disclaimer: I’m just an average guy, certainly not a doctor, and these are just my opinions..First of all this company makes two types of this product; there’s the regular version and this micro version.Whether you need this one or the regular version totally depends on the thickness of your skin tag. Because there wasn’t a lot of advice on this I made the mistake of buying the regular version first. Turns out my skin tags were too thin and the rubber band would just fall off so it was useless. My advice is that if your skin tag is just a flap of skin with very little thickness to it you would need the micro version. I would guess that if you took apart a cheap pen and the plastic ink insert was at least as thick as your skin tag (at least 2mm around) then you’d want to get the regular version of this product. Don’t fault me if I’m off a bit though since that’s just a guess since the rubber bands from the regular version fell off my skin tag.Secondly, I read all of the reviews and they said your skin tag would fall off within a week. In my case I had a few skin tags under my arm pit (sorry if that grosses you out, it does me too). They greatly annoyed me and would sometimes get irritated and be painful, which is why I wanted them gone. My experience was that I would put the rubber band on using this product, which is quite ingenious. Within a few hours, or at least by the next day, the skin tag would turn a darker color since it was losing its supply of blood. Within a few days to a week it would dry up, become much smaller and hard to the touch. Mine never did fall off though but maybe that’s because I was too impatient. After a little over a week I would just give them a quick yank and they’d come right off.The third point I want to make is that this method can cause some irritation/pain in and around the skin tag. In my case, because of them being under my arm pit, the rubber band would get pulled every which way, aggravating the skin under and around the outside of the skin tag. After a few days, after the skin tag gets hard, you could sit in a hot tub which seems to loosen up the rubber band enough to be pulled off. The other solution I found and liked best was to use Kanka, the oral anesthetic. I’d dab that around the painful skin tag a bit and it would totally take away the pain and irritation for several hours.Lastly I want to state that this product does exactly what it claims to do. My skin tags are gone and I didn’t have to go to the doctor to have them removed. Even having bought both products, I’m still out only about $50 which I think is well worth getting rid of these annoying things. As far as the pain/irritation caused by this product; I didn’t mind it since my skin tags could get irritated/painful at times even without this product.I only gave it fours stars because the company could give better direction as to whether a person needs the regular version or the micro version. They could also let you know that there could be some irritation or slight pain using this product. If the company is reading this then thank you for making this great product!Sorry for the long review but I hope this helps someone and good luck!

great product that works

Okay, got this on Saturday Oct 15th. I have a skin tag under my right eye. I figured I would test this product. Couldn’t put the band on myself therefore got help. I have to say the first few hours were uncomfortable around my right eye. I also decided to document this process to see if it works and how long it would take to come off.This morning Friday Oct 21st, after taking my shower, looked at the mirror and oh my goodness, my skin tag had fallen off in the shower : ) !!!! I couldn’t believe it… It works!!! I had to go back in the shower to look for it as proof… Anyway, I am attaching four pics - first one is the skin tag before the TagBand, the second is the following morning after I had it on, the third is the morning the skin tag fell off and the fourth is the skin tag that fell of my face. I hope it doesn’t grow back, but if it does I will update!So, great product that works!!!!

Worked perfectly for my anal/rectal skin tag - best if used in conjunction with dental floss.

Yes, it’s embarrassing, but considering how common anal/rectal skin tags are, AND YET there are no reviews mentioning it, I figured someone has to.If I could get this successfully administered to my anal skin tag, I’d say it’s safe to assume that you can do so pretty much anywhere on your body.Few tips:The little cone that goes over the skin tag actually does a GREAT job ensuring that the band goes right at the base of the skin tag, but ONLY if you do it right. The trick is to have the band itself as close to the tip as much as possible, so that even the slightest touch would make it pop on. If you have it too high up, from trying to apply pressure with the “band remover” thing, you end up shaking your hand around which decreases your targeting accuracy.I had to play around with it a couple times to get the feeling of how to put it as close to the edge of the applicator as possible. Then, I positioned it carefully onto the skin tag, and with a slight nudge - boom, it was on the base of the skin tag.As I said in the review topic, in my opinion, this is best if used in conjunction with floss.Other reviews have mentioned that once the skin tag started shriveling up, the band would just fall off, especially if their skin tag was small to begin with.Floss on its own does the best job and ensuring that you cut off all circulation, but also poses the risk of cutting into the skin - potential infections.But by using this band FIRST, you can get the process started by blocking the blood flow. On day 2, I noticed that while the skin tag did shrink in size, it wasn’t turning black. So I took a piece of floss, created a loop, and placed it right underneath the band and tied it really tight. I couldn’t feel any pain, because the skin tag was already dead from the band. 6 hours later, the tag was black.Day 3, I couldn’t tell (for obvious reasons…) as to whether the band fell off or not. It kind of just felt like the floss was the only thing hold it.This product makes excellent sense: while dental floss can cut off the flow great, apart from the risk of infection, it also doesn’t shrink WITH the tag, meaning you have to tie it really tight the first time and hope that it gets the job done. But with this band, due to the nature of rubber, the band shrinks WITH the tag, ensuring that the entirety of the process is followed through with.On the 4th day, I noticed that the floss and tag was gone when I woke up from bed.I highly recommend this product. Yes, I purchased this product at full price without any promotions.

Worked Perfectly.

I went to the Dermatologist to have a skin tag removed. Insurance would not cover the cost and the Doctor wanted more than I wanted to pay. I saw reviews for the Tagband and thought that I would give it a try. I made the mistake of ordering the medium to large skintag size and reordered the Micro sized bands. This product is simple to use and within a week or so the skintag will die and fall off. There really is no pain involved, just minor irritation of the skin. Unless you have a super large skintag, get the micro size. The attached photo is the medium to large band which I replaced with the Micro a few says later.

One Star

did not work save your money the bands were too large for my skin tag

Four Stars

Item as described, worked well.

Totally worked in less than 5 days!

Totally worked and fast! Took a little less than 5 days total to remove 2 tags, one in each arm pit.

Great product

It was very easy to use and can mostly be done by oneself. You might need to use a bandage in certain friction areas.


it was not what i expected. it reads so good but it didnt do the job i thought it would.

Works like a charm

I had four different skin tags under my arm (which is a difficult spot to place one of these bands without assistance just fyi) but within 2 weeks of putting the bands on, the…

Meh… didn’t work for me

This product did not work very well. The bands kept coming off, they wouldnt stay on, even when applying the bandaids provided.

Minimum height needed, but should work if able to get it on

I tried to use these on moles I had on my stomach and head, but since the height of them were about 2 US pennies stacked the rubberband kept coming off.

Great product

This item is awesome! it did just what it said it would do. The bigger tags took about 2 weeks smaller ones less then 5 days.

Works great when you get the right size

I had a few smaller skin tags that I wanted to get rid of. A had a few different sizes, some were about the diameter of a large straw and some about the size of a coffee stirrer.

Get it at Amazon

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