Designed for inconsistent flossers
Color:Black | Product Packaging:Standard Packaging Philips Sonicare Airfloss Ultra is an interdental cleaning device designed to improve gum health in inconsistent flossers. It is small and easy to use, and in less than 60 seconds a day is ideal for helping establish the healthy habit of cleaning between teeth to complement tooth brushing for places brushing can’t reach. It is the only interdental cleaner designed for use with antimicrobial mouthwash for improved gum health and an extra fresh feeling, but can also be used with water. To use AirFloss Ultra, simply fill the reservoir with water or mouthwash, point the guidance tip between your teeth, and activate to clean. The new triple burst function gives the option to release up to three timed bursts for a quick and easy cleaning routine. Airfloss Ultra produces less than a teaspoon of liquid per whole mouth clean for less mess. AirFloss Ultra is clinically proven as effective as floss for gum health and removes up to 99.9% plaque from treated areas than manual brushing alone. This device is safe and gentle for implants, veneers, and orthodontics. Start using AirFloss Ultra today and get excited for your next dentist visit. Don’t floss? Then Airfloss.
Definitely not a replacement for flossing if you’re trying to get rid of plaque, but great for those times when you’ve eaten steak or popcorn or something that likes to get all jammed up in your teeth.I too got the dreaded beep where it wouldn’t work, but fixed it quite easily. May not work for everyone but here were my steps to remedy it:1. Power off2. Empty all fluid out3. Remove nozzle4. Turn upside down and give it a few smacks like it’s been bad or it’s a bottle of Tommy K5. Power on while still upside down6. Press button (you didn’t put the nozzle back on right? It’s still empty right? Simon didn’t say..)For me that cleared it! Put the nozzle back on and it worked again. I’m no engineer but my wild and uniformed guess is there is a weird air bubble/liquid block thingymajig happening. Emptying out the liquid, smacking it around, praying to Oden, and then pressing the button is sucking in air that clears the blockage like wasabi to a sinus infection..Good luck!4. Power
We loved it and then it just quit working. I had activated the warranty so I call Philips and they said not to store the Airfloss on the charger. We apparently wore the battery out. Nowhere could I find a word about not storing it on the charger. Philips sent a replacement (just the hand held part) but it wasn’t the same and our flossers didn’t fit into it. After another call to customer service I found out that the flosser we had was back-ordered and they just sent this other one to us that wasn’t compatible with the flossers we had. I don’t understand the logic in that at all…In the end I got quite frustrated and just asked for a full refund and will get it in 6-8 weeks. I guess it wasn’t so much a product problem, more a customer service problem and poor instructions in the booklet.
This product is awesome in most respects. I gave it a 5 for now. That is subject to change depending on my next dental visit in 6 months. Overall it appears to be a good product. I have not experienced and “non-user” related issues. The button is touchy, so don’t touch it until you are ready to fire. You may select between 1, 2, & 3 bursts. I have used only a good mouthwash thru it and it appears to do a good job. My only issue is refilling the reservoir. It causes you to open the door holding the device horizontal to the counter and then refilling it. It is somewhat hard to tell if it is full and is easy to spill. It would be better if it could be filled another way, but that would require some major re-engineering. Overall, my wife and I are very satisfied. I will let you know if my dentist is satisfied in 6 months!
Highly recommend. Load it up with mouthwash, spray the heck out of your teeth. I’ve never in my life had an easier dental cleaning than the one I had this week, after a few months of using this device.You should still floss a bit with string, but it’s MUCH easier doing so after using the air flosser with a load of mouthwash, since your teeth are sort of pre lubed with mouthwash.The included Phillips mouthwash is good, but I prefer a completely non alcoholic Listerine I picked up after running out of the Phillips stuff. Whatever you like will work fine, though.Also - this isn’t really messy at all, unlike water pik products. No messier than brushing your teeth vigorously, and the whole thing takes maybe 30 seconds and leaves your mouth feeling super clean.
I bought this model after using an older one successfully for several years because I like the new feature being able to select 3 automatic bursts in each position. Since using an AirFlosser my dental hygienist comments every six months on what good care I take of my teeth–which she never did before I started using the AirFlosser!I gave several as gifts to family members two years ago, and none of us has had any problem with the units failing to work. I’ve had this pink model for 6 months, using it once or twice a day with no problems. I use it with water only, and I store it on top of a drinking glass, with the reservoir door open and facing down, so it can dry out between uses. A charge usually lasts about two weeks.
In a word: Don’t. I had a Philips Sonicare for years and it worked perfectly but eventually gave up the ghost so naturally I ordered another. This is a weak knee sibling of the earlier version. The pulsing is so weak as to be completely useless, a water pistol would be better. Setting the three pulse automatic feature doesn’t help, it just means three automatic useless jets of water. If you can find the earlier version (strictly one pulse) go for it. For this one, look elsewhere. A waste of money.
This is wonderful. I have used the older one and loved it but it broke so I needed to replace it. I do not like the solution that comes with it. I just use mouthwash and it works great. I would recommend it to anyone! Wonderful product!
It was pretty good while it lasted. Not very effective, but better than nothing. The problem is that it did not last even a year. It suddenly died. Now it only makes a very high pitch whining sound. Compare this to my trusty old WaterPic, still going strong after eight years.
Soooo much better than a waterpik.
after two months is broken. really bad
In less than a year, 9 months actually, it has stopped working. This is my 2nd Airfloss. Won’t be getting another one, which is sad cause it does do a good job when it works.
Terrific product but life cycle can be short. I have had 3 - one lasted almost two years, one lasted about 1.5 years and the most recent one lasted 6 months.
I’ve owned 3 of them now and each one stopped working after six months or less. Time to try a new brand.
For those that scan and read reviews, I’ve had THREE of these break since last year (the original and two replacements).
The unit was great, when it worked. However, I have now owned 4 of them and everyone has stopped working within a few months. There is obviously a major problem with the product.
Helps my gums greatly. it is a very good product to help you maintain a healthy gum line and reduce plaque between the teeth.
Love this product. It was recommended to me by my dental hygienist over the Water Pik. Happy we took her advice. Highly recommend.
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