Planet Earth II

Planet Earth II
Planet Earth II
by people ...

Product Specifications

Product Description

In one of the most ambitious landmark series, Planet Earth II allows us to experience the world from the viewpoint of the animals themselves. Traveling through jungles, deserts, mountains, islands, grasslands and cities, this series explores the unique characteristics of Earth’s most iconic habitats and the extraordinary ways animals survive within them. New technology has allowed individual stories to be captured in an unparalleled level of detail. For the first time, viewers are immersed in incredible landscapes and share the most dramatic moments in the lives of animals. From spellbinding wildlife spectacle to intimate encounters, Planet Earth II will take you closer than ever before.

Product Reviews

Arguably, the best thing you will ever see on a television!

This is the BBC’s most gorgeous documentary series to date. Planet Earth II has plenty of new elements to admire. The show is eager to share. Narrator David Attenborough, sitting in a hot air balloon above snow drenched mountaintops, checks off each general advancement during the pilot:The filmmakers were able to get incredibly close to each animal thanks to innovative remote cameras.Further advancements in technology also meant discovering previously unobtainable “wildlife dramas.”We can see, hear, and admire these dramas better than ever, with clearer, brighter, and more comprehensive photography than has been possible prior to this.Better yet, the progress Attenborough heartily expounds is more than evident on screen. Covering islands, mountains, jungles, deserts, grasslands, and cities, “Planet Earth II” literally covers a lot of ground in its seven episodes (the final episode is a “making of”), always with an eye toward beauty and our quickly changing environments. Impossible sights are enticingly strung together, forming stories like nothing we’ve ever seen before.

Tears of joy

Incredible. These haters are rating it low because they don’t understand it’s being released weekly. It deserves 6 stars. I’m a grown man and I cried tears of joy bruh.

I haven’t watched any 4k content prior to this and probably won’twatch any other 4k content for a while

Worked on xbox one S (my TV does not support HDR - it still plays and looks great). For a while the menus didn’t work - had to press buttons “blind” until it played all and fast forward to proper location (Xbox’s Blu ray player software is a joke though, so that might have more to do with it).I haven’t watched any 4k content prior to this and probably won’t watch any other 4k content for a while, but this alone was worth the purchase of the 4k blu ray player (xbox - I very rarely play video games) and price difference of the 4k TV.My only complaint was that it was only 6 episodes. Sort of disappointing. I’ve seen every other Attenborough series and I think those were around 10 (?)1110 would recommend.


Let me start by saying that I loved the first Planet Earth, Frozen Planet etc.I received Planet Earth II yesterday and right away started watching it and all I can say is go buy it now!! It’s better then the first time around and David is amazing as always. There is so much truth & facts in this series and how hard & cruel life can be in the wild.If you haven’t seen Planet Earth the I suggest you do so because everyone alive should see both PE & PE II.I loved it, audio & video is state of the art so if you want the best get the 4K BluRay. This deserves 10 stars 😋

Absolutely Spectacular

If anyone asks why I spent so much money on a UHD OLED TV and a UHD Blu-ray player, I will simply put in this 4K Blu-ray and let them see for themselves. It surely exceeds anything done for television before.The subject matter is simple enough, observing wildlife in its natural environment. How it could possibly have been done, to achieve both the impressive shots and the technical perfection, is hard to imagine.Everyone needs this in their collection, as a mind-blowing demo and as a fascinating study of nature that makes you feel you are right in the scene with the animals themselves.

4K review

This is clearly the pinnacle of traditional, two dimensional documentary cinematography. The footage is so gripping, and the quality so outstanding, that it makes you wish you had better vision. If you own a 4K blu ray player or xbox one s, you absolutely must have this in 4K. The Attenborough narratiion is as usual exciting, clear and sophisticated. I am absolutely blown by 6+ hours of footage that’s been put together in this one release.The only way up from here is to have everything in high definition VR, which I have a feeling BBC is already working on.

Beautiful Beyond Belief!

We’ve seen this through a couple of times now. It is stunningly beautiful and I love the bonus features which show everything these filmmakers endured to get these amazing shots. There is nothing else out there like it. It also makes me feel good to know that my purchase is supporting this wonderful work. If you are into nature films, then this is a MUST SEE and definitely worth adding to your collection.

A 4K Tour de Force

A phenomenal tour de force for the BBC and their army of natural history photographers. This is the pinnacle of the art and a joy joy to behold. Sadly David Attenborough is too advanced in years to travel the World in person but represents the highest standard in nature broadcasting and his narration is as clear and compelling as ever in his long career.Clearly a vehicle for the BBC to show off it’s 4K ultra high definition broadcasting capabilities and with a few too many lens flare shots to show they can do HDR (High Dynamic Range). If you have a 4K TV and want to experience it’s full potential, get the 4K Blu-Ray. It is beautiful and you will not regret it.

We canwatch it many

We can watch it many times

Another great series.

Breathtaking in 4k. Another great series.

Five Stars

wonderful !!!!!

Five Stars

This is probably THE best thing I’ve ever seen on TV; if not, top 3 for sure.

THE benchmark for 4K UHD HDR

For anyone wanting a go-to benchmark demonstration of 4K UHD HDR capabilities, this is it.Not only is it an amazing view into our planet’s stunning wildlife habitats, the…

Five Stars

If you have 4K setup this is without question a must own title. Simply outstanding.

Get it now. Immediately. The purchase you won’t regret this year.

David A is back? What more could you want. Stunning stunning stunning. Whenever the apparent world and all of its silliness gets to be too much, just a few minutes in front of…

Beautiful. Much thanks to all those who participate in …

Beautiful. Much thanks to all those who participate in creating these films; mostly the dedication and patience of the photographers and crew.

After receiving this DVD I found that only 1 of …

After receiving this DVD I found that only 1 of the discs will play on a BluRay player. The other two discs require a 4K UHD player. A 4K UHD Upscale player will not play them.

I love these style of documentaries

I love these style of documentaries. So smooth and fluid, calmly showing you what you’ve been missing and what you couldn’t really see unless you were a rich world traveler.

Get it at Amazon

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