Deep Scanning is always active (up to 1.5”)
Style:Yellow Precision Stud Finder The ProSensor 710 incorporates innovative stud sensing technology that instantly finds hidden studs. No sliding is required. This patent-pending detector senses the wall in thirteen locations simultaneously, then immediately illuminates the display elements that are in front of a stud. The ProSensor 710 is faster, less error prone and more accurate than other products on the market. It is the easy way to find studs.
I’ve been using this stud finder for a while now around the house and from the video you can probably tell that I’ve tried my fair share of stud finders before purchasing this one. Unlike other stud finders that work primarily by beeping at you, this one has a bright visual display of the stud’s location and anyone can use it! No false negatives/positives.Things you should know: A stud should be 3 lights (1.5”), if you get more lights than this, it might NOT BE A STUD! Be careful! If you aren’t sure, check with a thin nail or look at surroundings to see if it could be something else (electrical outlets, odd plumbing, etc)5⁄5 stars because this IS the boss of all other stud finders. I think I’ve used about 6 different stud finders just hoping that one would be different and simple to use. Well this one IS different because it IS simple to use. Your wife, mom, even grandmother could use it without any difficulty. Franklin sensors really knew what they were doing and I know this review seems like other reviews, but hopefully the video demonstration helps you guys see how this works vs other sensors. If this review helps you, let me know!
I grew up in a family of contractors. For us, a stud finder was a hammer and a finish nail we poked in the wall until we hit one. The other electronic stud finders gave too many false readings so they just gathered dust and we got really good at patching drywall.My brother-in-law gave me a Franklin Sensors stud finder for Christmas this year. When I saw how many sensors it had I wondered why no one had thought of this before. Somewhat skeptical, I tried it out. It worked like a charm. It lights up right where the studs are.Next time I visited my parents, I took my new stud finder over to show off my new toy. My dad and I tested it throughout the house. It worked on wood and metal studs. (We built the house so we knew what walls had wood or metal studs).The hammer and finish nail approach works but if you aren’t into fixing drywall just to hang a picture, I highly recommend the Franklin Sensors Stud Finder. Any other stud finder will just gather dust in my shop.UPDATE 5/15/12 - I recently remodeled my kitchen and putting in new cabinets gave me the chance to put this stud finder to work. It was really helpful with finding studs and because of the many sensors, I could find and mark both edges of the stud.There were a few times where I thought I was getting false readings. Once where I was putting in the sink cabinet but then I realized the stud finder detects density. I was getting a reading where I knew there wasn’t a stud but I have copper vent pipes and it was right where I expected the vent pipe would be.In another spot, it would light up like I had a stud but if I went above or below in the same area on the wall, it would not light up. Then I remembered that I patched a hole in the Sheetrock there and have a small piece of 2x4 in the wall to screw the patch to.This Stud Finder exceeded my expectations. You still have to use your brain so you don’t end up putting a screw in a vent pipe but I am happy with the ProSensor 710.I think it would be nice to have a way to keep it on. The button works but sometimes it’s awkward to hold it down. If there was a button but also a way to lock it down, I think that would be great.
Maybe I got a bad one, but it’s very flaky and it can be hard to get a reading. My other stud finder, the one with a single light, is much more reliable. And this thing EATS batteries. I’ve had to replace batteries twice and I just got it. I think it must be draining them all the time rather than just during use.
I have a cheap stud finder that’s not horribly accurate but that has worked “well enough” for a couple decades. The reason I decided to upgrade to the ProSensor 710 is that I needed to put new shelves in my laundry room which meant placing screws into the same stud that my dryer’s 220 line is attached to. And the 110 that feeds the washer. In situations like that hitting the center of the stud is perfectly safe, but being a little off one way or the other could be a really big deal, likely ending in electrocution, so accuracy mattered a lot. This little beauty lives up to the hype. In fact, after using this one time I really wish I’d bought it years ago. It’s couldn’t be easier to use, is dead-on accurate, and saved me a ton of time by pointing out the studs virtually instantly. Instead of finding the edge on each side of the stud I just look for three lights, mark the center one, and am good to go. I’m very happy with my purchase.
Like many reviewers here I have bought my share of wall sensors, hoping each time I would finally get one that actually does the job reliably, only to get disappointed whether it was a $10 gadget or a $150 ‘pro’ model. No, I did not go all the way to the $800 Bosch D-Tect 150 detector, there are limits to everything.So I was really intrigued when I saw so many great reviews of this apparently very simple stud finder. And yes, after putting two batteries in it, I was able to scan a whole wall in 2 minutes. No calibration, no random results, it just works. Awesome. First time I am using a wall sensor that is actually useful for doing the job! 5 stars, clearly.One tiny issue though, which might or might not bother you: instructions state that you should use Alkaline batteries, and not rechargeable. I have stopped using non-rechargeable batteries a long time ago, so this is a bit disappointing. That said, a freshly charged set of NiMH AA batteries seem to be working mostly fine, so this is not a complete show-stopper, but I sure wish this tool had been designed to be compatible with rechargeable batteries from the start.
Ok I have gone through 3 different sensors and OMG this one is IT.. It works amazing and is very accurate. Trust me when you buy this you will be 100% happy.
Father specifically picked out this unit and he is a general contractor.
This is so worth the cost. I got tired of tapping on the wall to find a stud. This thing not only helps you find it, it shows you where the center is!
easy to use and works very well. I installed bookshelves on the wall.
Works better than anything I have used in the past. After struggling with other electronic stud finders, I ordered this unit. It arrived quick, and has been great to use.
My hubby loves it and thinks this is the greatest stud finder ever made!
This is a good tool. There may be better ones out there, but Im not a true contractor here, so i use what affordable stuff.
Works like a dream! There is no other stud finder that compares.
works great at finding center of studs.
comments powered by DisqusThis has worked out great. I hang things here and there, this makes it easy.