Size:11ml Nature’s Remedy for Skin Tag Removal - Combination blend of powerful natural ingredients in a simple topically applied solution - FDA listed and manufactured in the USA - Thousands of happy customers - Gentle and safe. No burning creams, bands or skin tag removal kits, only one formulation. - 90 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee - Your Satisfaction Assured
H- Skin Tags provides a safe and natural alternative treatment for skin tag removal in your own home. The product is free of any chemicals or additives and ethically produced. Gentle on the skin and safe for all areas of the body: nature’s alternative to harsh, burning skin tag removal cream.
Skin Tags - An Unsightly Nuisance Skin tags are benign skin growths, known as acrochordon. They protrude from the body on a small stalk or peduncle. Though painless, a skin tag remover is often sought as they may be irritated by clothing or jewelry and bleed, or simply be considered an unsightly blemish. Commonly the growths are quite small, however some have been known to reach a large size. Many people choose to remove skin tags for these practical and cosmetic reasons.
Amoils - Over 15 years of Natural Products - Founded in 2001 - Over 750,000 Products Sold - Ethically produced products free of any chemicals or additives - FDA listed product, manufactured in a GMP facility - You can rely on the discreet and speedy shipping of our product.
90 Day Money Back Guarantee If you are not satisfied for any reason, simply return the bottle(s) within 90 days of purchase for a full product refund.
ACT TODAY - Click the ADD TO CART button for smooth skin with H- Skin Tags
I used this on two tags. One on eyelid and one under arm. Went through the whole bottle in a month. I followed instructions to a tee. The tags did shrink but didn’t go away. The bottle makes it hard to control how much goes onto the q-tip. This is probably why I went through the whole bottle to fast. Subsequently I started to use a product calle Tag Away from Rite Aid for half the cost. Has the same feel as H-Skin Tags. Comes with built-in applicator brush. Tags are nearly gone after 4 weeks and still have more than half a bottle left.
After almost three months of continuous use, as recommended, only a few fell off. It kind of damages the skin around the skin tag, which is not easy to keep it off of. Very expensive for the little results. Better to have the tags cut off.
The tags are shrinking but not completely gone. It’s been about 3 weeks and I’ve almost gone through the smaller bottle. I haven’t exactly been using to exact specs but is still working.
It does work! However…you have to have patience that Job didn’t have. Depending on how old your skin tag is and to remember to use it 3x a day. It smells, and you have to keep in mind, that this is for a short time. Within 6 days SOME of mine came off.
First off, this is a long, thorough review.Nothing against the company, but if you want to remove skin tags within two weeks I highly recommend using Dr. Scholl’s Freeze Away product. It comes with 7 treatments, though you really only need one treatment for most cases, and costs a measly $10. Thus, the Freeze Away product is more effective, takes two weeks, and costs close to nothing. The Freeze Away product completely destroys H-Skin Tags. Do not waste your money and time. Below I discuss the details of freezing and eventually discuss H-Skin Tags.Freezing does not leave scars as this company wrongly claims. It’s honestly a completely ridiculous claim that perhaps the company does not even realize. The “scars” you see immediately after treatment and for 1-2 weeks are completely fine and are very temporary. The black color (dead skin cells caused by freezing) changes into a scab that eventually falls off, leaving perfectly healthy new skin cells in its place, not a scar. Healing Natural Oils must not understand what a scar is. Anyway, my dermatologist uses liquid nitrogen to remove warts, skin tags, etc. It’s a fantastic treatment method, however it costs an arm and a leg for each liquid nitrogen treatment even with great health insurance, which is where Dr. Scholl’s Freeze Away product comes into play.The Freeze Away product uses diethyl ether, with propane as the propellant. The temperature is not as low as liquid nitrogen, but it gets the job done. Diethyl ether is not as scary as it may sound to the general public or pure holistic people. It’s very safe when used in this manner and evaporates very quickly. It touches the skin and immediately evaporates as the boiling point of this ether is very low. Ascorbic acid is the chemical name for vitamin C. Sure, the freezing hurts for a couple minutes, but it’s really not a big deal. It feels like normal bee sting to be honest. It’s a very small price to pay. The afflicted skin cells die within seconds and your body does the rest of the work. Eventually a scab forms and falls off in 1-2 weeks and your damaged skin cells are replaced with new normal skin cells.This product, as described, takes about three months on average before you see any results. You must apply it every three hours and it has a very pungent odor. Not something you want others to smell on you.
Used as directed, but it didn’t do anything.
I have faithfully applied thus product three times a day since February 21.. I still have the skin tags! I wouldn’t buy the product again! I just discovered today was the last day to return so I am out 32.00. Live and learn
The one under my eye on check bone is almost gone in a month and no sign of it being there .. ordered another bottle for a big tag on my thigh that has been a problem lately.
Didn’t work for me.
I have seen no positive results from this product at all. Very disappointing!
It didn’t really work
The product works. It doesn’t happen over night, you have to follow the instructions exactly! I am very happy with the results.
used it for 4 days 3 times a day did absolutely nothing!! and the stuff smells awful plus I bought the big bottle $70 what a waste
I purchased this item with high hopes of a simple way to get rid of my skin tags. What a foolish idea on my part.
I used this as directed for a skin tag under my eye. It did absolutely nothing. No change at all. Don’t waste your money on this.
I’ve been using this for about a month now on my daughters skin tag and it has not done a thing. Followed the directions three times a day and nothing.
Waste of money. After 4 weeks of treatment, no results.
comments powered by Disqusused for a few days. seems to work, but very small bottle. would be great for one or two skin tags but not multiple.