Talstar Pro 96 ounce (3/4 gallon) jug

Talstar Pro 96 ounce (3/4 gallon) jug
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Product Specifications

  • Talstar Pro 96 ounce (34 gallon) jug

    Product Description

Talstar Pro 96 ounce (34 gallon) jug

Product Reviews

Long story/review about my battle with bugs and this product

The back of my house was a war zone. I moved here 1 year and six months ago with my loyal dog-in-paws, Mikey. The situation early on was manageable. When the cobwebs got one too many, or the flying pests were pestering too much I would spray some ortho here and there. Mikey would help on clean up duty, sweeping up the remainder of scattering earwigs with his mighty tongue. This went on for months, insecticide usually made an appearance at the bottom of my shopping lists once every few weeks. The enemy were at war with one another, I simply played the role of supervisor, sterilizing the battlefield after extended tours of combat, not letting it escalate. Everything was under control. Until IT happened.Seemingly overnight the tables were turned. I’ll remember the event vividly until I die. I opened the door and walked into numerous, well-made webs with HUGE arachnids on them. These guys must have been alive for months, training for this day. Caught off-guard, I started swiping and stumbled my way out of the back door into more spider webs. I tripped over and landed in bushes CRAWLING WITH TICKS, ANTS AND EARWIGS. Only one thought was in my head now: “ITS AN AM-BUSH.” They instantly crawled onto me and invaded my hair. Instantly I got up and ran into the shower scratching my hair and clawing at my skin like a schizo. The enemy began working together. At night, they kept me from enjoying the back yard with air attacks. During the day cobwebs were laid out like boobie traps with giant 8-legged freaks waiting for one wrong step. Getting to my car was like stealing the mona lisa from a museum.I went to Lowe’s and bought every insecticide possible. The bill was over $150. Begin, OPERATION: INSECT MASSACRE. I went ham sandwich on the back wall of my house. I spared no square inch of space nor the bushes. I sprayed individual bugs and enjoyed watching them wriggle in pain and die. The chemical stench was mind-numbingly satisfying. Fast forward 1 week and its like I never sprayed. I kept spraying and spraying and spraying but the enemies would come back, higher in number and intensity. They even used my dog as a trojan horse for a team of ticks in a well thought-out attack. They left me with less money in my pockets and less brain cells to think with. Google searches would amount to home remedies that did not work. It was just more wasted time as the bugs reproduced and recruited other bugs to their cause. I was a very proud, do it yourselfer only hours away from calling the Ortho guy. These damned creatures were eating away at my pride.And then, like a divine miracle, amazon (aka God) put this in my suggested buy list. Its like they knew. I used to be against cookies being stored on your computer that see previous internet searches then shape ads and suggestions based on them but now i see the good in it.When this jug arrived in the mail I opened up the bottle and no offending chemical aroma met me. Sure there was a smell, but compared to the other products i used this was like whiffing a bouquet of flowers. HOW THE HELL WOULD THIS KILL A GIGANTIC WELL-TRAINED EVIL BUG ARMY? I started to think I wasted more money on something that wouldn’t work. Thoughts of dismay clouded my mind as I attached it to a pre-diluting mechanism on a hose. The spray was easy-going on the bugs I thought. They ran away like it was regular hose water being sprayed at them. No wriggling in pain. They simply ran away. I went inside, disappointed I did not get the retribution I thought I would get from reading the other reviews of this.Fast forward a week, I have to literally sweep thousands of bodies of bugs off of the back patio, and my house has not one single insect on it. No webs, either. I can keep the backyard light on for my dog when he relieves himself and they wont even go anywhere near the light. I’d like to think what happened will be known as The Bugpocalypse. When bugs terrorizing other people hear about it they will spread the legend. The legend will strike fear into other bugs and they will not mess with 1708. Only the bravest of the brave, the largest of the large, the nastiest of the nasty insects will migrate here to continue the fight. And I hope they do come.Because I’m saving the other half of this jug for next year.55. Kills. Prevents. Prevents. Prevents.

This is an effective product and can save you a lot of money.

When the pest control service started changing $90.00 every three months, I became sufficiently motivated to do it myself. The cost of Talstar Pro, a decent respirator, box of exam gloves, sprayer, and protective goggles was less than $110.00. There is enough in a 34 gallon of Talstar Pro to last over three years for a moderate size tract home. You do the math, but over 3 years, less the costs, I have been able to keep $970.00 of the money I would have paid the pest control service. Each application takes about an 1 12 hours, from prep to cleaning. I am in the 4th year and about ready to place a new order.Talstar Pro can be used safely, read the manual, read it twice. This is a powerful poison and remember that you are responsible for your own safety.It is very effective. I have dogs and they are not allowed out back for at least 24 hours. The documentation says they can go out after the solution dries. I just don’t want to take any chances.I use the product outside and in the garage, not in the house. If I needed to use it in the house I would, but Talstar Pro creates a protective barrier if used as directed.Why all the protection gear. Well, you know the old adage, “Better safe than sorry”. I ware long pants, long sleeve shirt, hat, protective goggles, exam gloves, and a respirator when applying the product. After the application I shower and the clothes are washed right away. Overkill? You bet it is, but I believe in handing dangerous products safely as possible. I want to live to be 97+ years old.

This is the best for fire ants

This is the best for fire ants. I mix a cupful with a gallon of water. Pour on fireant bed and watch billions of fire ants boil to the surface. Even kills the queen. I spray my home twice a year. Works great on roaches, spiders and fleas.

I started spraying my own house for spiders after paying …

I started spraying my own house for spiders after paying a lot of money every month to pest control companies and being dissatisfied with the results. After complaining to the pest control technician about seeing live spiders and pincher bugs no matter how many times they came out and resprayed, she told me the company she worked for was using a cheap generic bug spray and even if she sprayed the spider directly it wouldn’t die. She told me when she worked for one of the big name pest control companies they used Talstar Pro and had magnificent results. I looked online and found it and ordered it right away. That was almost two years ago. I have been spraying my yard once a month since then and have not seen one big wolf spider or any spider in my house since. I haven’t seen any black widows outside anymore either. I don’t even have to spray inside my house and for a tiny fraction of the cost I was paying someone else to spray, I have gotten rid of any spiders in or around my house. You have to be sure to spray in the cracks around the house because spiders have to be sprayed directly or their abdomen has to come in contact with the spray because it does not move thru their circulatory system when they just walk thru it (another tip given by the pest control tech). So you want to spray where they have to squeeze thru a crack to get into the house.

however I was disappointed as it really didn’t seem to control the mosquitoes

Used Talstar to control mosquitoes as directed. Applied product twice, however I was disappointed as it really didn’t seem to control the mosquitoes.

Five Stars

It fulfilled all my expectations in destroying all the pests in my lawn.

Item as described and at a great

Item as described and at a great price

Been using this for a year now and spraying for …

Been using this for a year now and spraying for bugs - we have a lot of spiders outside of our home in the landscape but I haven’t seen any inside of our house since I’ve began…

Must only work in some areas…

So I have a onslaught of every bug imaginable in my yard. I mowed my yard the weekend before this product was delivered so the grass was short, the day it was delivered I did…

Three Stars

Waiting for it to work

The best insecticide. I’ve used it for a long time

One of the best insecticides.Odorless, and wont leave a stain.All insects were gone, including ants, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, etc

Fire your pest control service.

This stuff works great! I have been paying for over priced pest control for years. Finally decided to do it myself. Looked at reviews and picked this.

Five Stars

Great stuff, now I do my own pest control. It is better and way cheaper than a service.

They came and I conquered.

 Best do it yourself pest control you can get. Killing weeks later after I sprayed it. I’ll see dead bugs down the street.Customer Video Review

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