Texas Instruments NE555P Single Precision Timer (Pack of 10)

Texas Instruments NE555P Single Precision Timer (Pack of 10)
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Product Specifications

  • Timing From Microseconds to Hours
  • Astable or Monostable Operation
  • Adjustable Duty Cycle
  • TTL-Compatible Output Can Sink or Source up to 200 mA

    Product Description

These devices are precision timing circuits capable of producing accurate time delays or oscillation. In the time-delay or monostable mode of operation, the timed interval is controlled by a single external resistor and capacitor network. In the astable mode of operation, the frequency and duty cycle can be controlled independently with two external resistors and a single external capacitor.

The threshold and trigger levels normally are two-thirds and one-third, respectively, of VCC. These levels can be altered by use of the control-voltage terminal. When the trigger input falls below the trigger level, the flip-flop is set, and the output goes high. If the trigger input is above the trigger level and the threshold input is above the threshold level, the flip-flop is reset and the output is low. The reset (RESET) input can override all other inputs and can be used to initiate a new timing cycle. When RESET goes low, the flip-flop is reset, and the output goes low. When the output is low, a low-impedance path is provided between discharge (DISCH) and ground.

The output circuit is capable of sinking or sourcing current up to 200 mA. Operation is specified for supplies of 5 V to 15 V. With a 5-V supply, output levels are compatible with TTL inputs.

Product Reviews

Five Stars

Very good

The packaging was nice and as expected

What can you say about the 555 - over a billion sold and met my needs. The packaging was nice and as expected.

Five Stars

excellent product

Five Stars


Five Stars

Just as described

Five Stars

Worked great for my small circuit project.

They work

They work like they’re supposed to.

As promised

Received as promised. Well protected and ready to use.

microcircuit: the TI NE555P timer microcircuit

The 555 has long legs, time-wise: it’s been around and doing its humble part of circuits, as a timer. An economical, dependable one.

Five Stars

It works well.

Five Stars

So far these have worked as they should.

EXCELLENT value for a pack of 10

This popular 555 timer ic is used in so many different projects. I am helping a young student with a few projects and so I bought this pack of 10.

The timer is made by TI so it should work …

The timer is made by TI so it should work as expected. A kind reminder: the seller used very thin pink foam to hold these DIP ICs in place.

Five Stars

These work just as the doctor ordered!!!!!!! A professionally made IC.

Five Stars

Works as described

Good 555 chip

It’s a 555. Or if it’s not, it behaves just like one. I haven’t tested it to it’s limits, but I wanted to blink an LED and do low-frequency timing signals, and these chips do…

Five Stars

Very good.

Five Stars


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