The Martian

The Martian
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Product Description

During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Millions of miles away, NASA and a team of international scientists work tirelessly to bring “the Martian” home, while his crewmates concurrently plot a daring, if not impossible rescue mission. As these stories of incredible bravery unfold, the world comes together to root for Watney’s safe return.

Product Reviews

Great Cancer Treatment! No Joke!

This was my cure for cancer. No joke. After chemo, after radiation, there comes the anxiety of how to live “cancer free.” When will it come back? Will my life every be the same? Will I ever be normal? If the Martian can live with all his uncertainty about survival, I sure can too! Didn’t expect this movie to be life-changing or a cancer healing message, but maybe if you’re struggling with any kind of anxiety, this movie and how its main character faces his problems head on, without worrying about when the next one will come, can be inspirational to you too!

Go In Blind, And You’ll Be Blown Away

I came into this movie pretty blind. Lately I avoid movie trailers until after I see a movie, if I can help it (the art of mystery and intrigue is lost on most trailer editors these days). I didn’t know who directed ‘The Martian’, I didn’t know who was in it, other than Matt Damon, I didn’t know what it was about. All I knew is that people said it was good.— THE STORY —To say ‘The Martian’ was just “good”, is an understatement. It has elements of action, servings of science (points to you if you know your botany and physics), tough decisions, suspense, a healthy dose of humor, topped with a thrilling conclusion. It’s darn good story-telling. Read other reviews if you would like a recap of the plot, but there are certain movies where the less you know the better it is, so for this movie, it’s a must-watch, that’s all you need to know.There are a few memorable lines and potential catchphrases (as a Botanist, I laughed out loud at the botany zingers), but telling you would spoil the fun. One thing you might take with you after the film is over is this quote: “If you solve enough problems, you get to come home.” Another way one could interpret that is: If you can figure out and solve problems in life, for yourself or other people, you’ll end up getting what you want. Knowledge is power, so learn as much as you can about anything and everything you’re interested in; you never know when it’ll pay off.— 3D —This film was shot natively in 3D. Compositions were pre-planned from the start and you can tell because every shot makes great use of depth. You’ll see depth in the beautiful Martian landscape, HUDs (Heads-Up Displays) are given visual life, and planetary storms will make you feel like you’re in the middle of it.This is one of the must-watch (3D) films of 2015, and a truly enjoyable movie experience. Highly recommended.*** UPDATE ***‘The Martian’ has now won two Golden Globes for:• ‘Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy’ (which is pushing it, for the category).• ‘Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy’ for Matt Damon.It has also been nominated for multiple Academy Awards, including Best Picture. I wouldn’t be surprised if it won, making it the first ever science fiction film to win Best Picture.

Bought the Book and DVD from Amazon

Have you read Andy Weir’s terrific best-seller yet? The back story of his success is almost as good as his first full-length novel. Look it up! A few memorable situations had to be eliminated, or this 2-hour, 20-minute survival story would run for over six hours! I did object to the last exciting action sequence: They needlessly changed the players simply because of star billing. Grrr….NASA astronaut/flight surgeon Michael Reed Barrett happily introduced this exciting Sci-Fi adventure to our screening audience (it’s his favorite movie). Director Ridley Scott (“Prometheus”), with a screenplay by Drew Goddard (“The Cabin in the Woods”), follows Weir’s involving and humorous book into space. We open with a NASA exploration team on the red planet, where a freak storm violently interrupts their mission and our story begins.The cast:* Matt Damon (“Beyond the Candelabra”) Mark Watney is left for dead as the crew wisely scrambles to evacuate while their ship can still fly. Faced with starvation, this resourceful survivor becomes “the greatest botanist on this planet!” (See the trailer.)* Jessica Chastain (“Zero Dark Thirty”) Melissa Lewis is captain of the crew that unwittingly abandons our hero; her responsibility is to get her team safely back to Earth.* Mackenzie Davis (“That Awkward Moment”) Mindy Park’s job is surveillance. She is the solitary observer who monitors the mission from a quiet NASA desk. She spots some unexplained activity. Once it is ascertained that Watney is alive, time and distance are the biggest challenges for NASA. How do we get back there to rescue him before he dies? And how do we tell him we’re coming?* Jeff Daniels (“The Newsroom”) Sanders is the head of NASA; short of a mutiny, anything else that happens is on his watch.* Kristen Wiig (“The Skeleton Twins”) Annie Montrose’s job is Public Relations. How do you tell the world that an astronaut has been left behind on Mars to starve?* Chewitel Ejiofor (“12 Years a Slave”) Venkat Kapoor is the vital link between the face of NASA and the media world. Through him, we witness the bureaucratic scramble that takes place behind the scenes.* Donald Glover (“Magic Mike XXL”) Rich Purnell seems to have Asperger’s, which makes this high-functioning fellow the perfect person to offer an outside-the-box solution for this white-knuckle dilemma.Michael Peña (“Ant-Man”) Likable mission pilot Rick Martinez is Watney’s best buddy. It’s just plain fun to hear their chatter.*This is PG-13, so expect a smattering of profanity, a bit of nudity, and an entire crew of Macgyvers (one astronaut has to build a bomb from their food supply). And you’ll never look at duct tape the same way again.The most outstanding element of this film (AND the book!) is the humor: Watney has a wry sense of himself and his situation that we come to share. He also has a resilience and a persistence that any would-be adventurer would be wise to note; he even comes to appreciate disco music (some tapes had been abandoned by the crew).You can $kip the 3D, the $tory is the thing! I heartily recommend this one (and the book).

Space is one area that benefits greatly from 3d.

Being a enthusiastic fan of “The Martian” written by Andy Weir, I was hesitant to watch this movie. While the movie does not completely represent every single juicy bit of scientific detail that the novel has, it does get enough in there that it is not another Hollywood cash grab.The Martian is about Mark Whatney, an astronaut who is left on Mars, when his crew evacuates during a catastrophic dust storm. The stranded Whatney confronts the many problems that stand in his way of survival on the red planet. The Martian is not a movie to glass over details, while the book details every nail biting moment, the movie throws a fair amount in too. Matt Damon gives you a character that you care about.I own about 30 3D movies now, and this one is at the top of that list. A beautiful movie, if you like 3d and space, then you need this movie.

My Torah Portion Was More Exciting…and it was Deuteronomy.

It’s basically a fanciful advertisement to do well in math class. We know the movie makers will not kill Matt Damon and that the selling point–that if you really geek out you…

I grew weary of the shrieking.

Through this movie, I learned that every time something nice happens to the good folks at NASA, they all shriek like fourth graders at summer camp.

Let’s go to Mars

Matt Damon is super awesome in this film. A very great movie based very closely to the original book. Thanks to all who helped make it.

Well done.

Great film, watch it now. Right now.

Five Stars


Keeps you glued…

One of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. Keeps you glued for the whole movie. Nice mix of suspense, drama and comedy.

Five Stars


NERDS Overpower disaster :-)

The nerds WiN and in good fashion - good use of science and determination in he face of potential disaster - NEVER Give Up. Fun movie. My wife and I both enjoyed it.

Four Stars

Enjoyed it.

Three Stars


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