Upside Down [Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray on one disc]

Upside Down [Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray on one disc]
Upside Down [Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray on one disc]
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Product Specifications

Product Description

In an alternate universe where twinned worlds have opposite gravities, a young man battles interplanetary prejudice and the laws of physics in his quest to reunite with the long-lost girl of his dreams in this visually stunning romantic adventure that poses the question: what if love was stronger than gravity?

Product Reviews

A Soaring, Magical Sci-Fi Work of Art

It is a shame that Upside Down had such a painful and unpromising commercial launch. However, its painful birth has nothing to do with the merits of the finished work of art. As a finished movie, it is a beautiful work of art. The movie brought me in to an expansive, magical world. The rich music, the tango, the soaring spaces and height reeled me in. The “Dos Mundos” (two worlds) concept was a powerful metaphor for the gulf between two lovers and between two social classes.On a political level the movie was a rebuke of any coercive aristocracy where a supposedly superior upper class uses police power to oppress those “below.” In the end, that divide was rebuked by the individualism of the movie. Adam was obviously as smart as and as worthy as anyone from the upper world. And Adam and Eden deserved every right to love each other.The movie was sumptuous, soaring, a magical romantic sci-fi fantasy. I loved it.Incidentally, I am just a fan. I have no connection with the movie. I was looking to see what subsequent movies the writer/director, Juan Solanas, has done. I am very saddened that I could find none. I hope he is actively working on something new and great, and that the commercial failure of this movie has not deterred him. Mr. Solanas is a great director/writer. The vision in this movie is unique and beautiful./Niles

Amazing in 3D !!

Bottom Line first for those with little time: If you have a 3D TV then BUY THE 3D Blu-Ray now!Otherwise I give it a 410.First of all the movie has Kirsten Dunst. She caught my eye back in the movie The Virgin Suicides. She is just adorable in anything she does. The setting is a rare phenomenon in the universe where a double planet exist where the worlds are so close to each other – you could literally build a tower whose base is on one planet and whose top is a base on the other planet – and they have done that in this movie. It’s a love story.I have yet to see the movie in 2D. I am a big 3D fan. The visuals may still be amazing in 2D. But in 3D it is stellar. Just stellar. You can’t take your eyes off the movie. The movie/screenplay could have been written so much better. Things seem to be happening too quickly to make things less credible (regarding the people – not the sci fi aspect of the movie). The actors do their best with what they are given.The blu-ray has a couple unremarkable deleted scenes, but this is a situation where they not only could have kept the deleted scenes IN the original movie, they needed to film ADDITIONAL scenes to add more credibility to the story.I am trying to avoid giving out spoilers here. But towards the end of the movie Eden is embracing/talking to Adam and mentions something (we’ll just say something relationship related), and I just started to shake my head. This is not something you just “slip in” whether in real life or just a movie (well you can - but it just doesn’t work here in terms of credibility in this movie). But at the same time I didn’t shut off the movie or feel disappointed.For those who struggle to buy into the sci-fi aspect of the movie – this double planet scenario – do not judge the rest of the universe based on what is in our own solar system. From what I understand double star scenarios are just as much or more common than singe star systems, such as our own. And even though we are talking about double planets here – what I have heard and seen - keeps me way too open-minded to have any issues with this.Enjoy the movie.

A unique concept and likable charcters save this plot-thin movie.

A Very Unique concept…And extremely likable characters…make up for a thin plot. The romance, while I liked it I will admit could have been developed a bit more. Likewise, there’s wasn’t quite enough going on in the plot….really needed some subplots or more backstory. But the concept was so unique and the characters down to earth (ironically, lol)…(even Kirsten Dunst’s Eden is likable….Generally she tends to play unlikable or annoying or crazy characters. Not this time thankfully)

An imaginative concept film with poor 3D

An imaginative concept film about love that has a tough time meeting eye to eye, with slow pacing and a story that could use more impact so the audience can more easily relate to these characters. The 3D is not effective, and sadly is as close to a two dimensional film as is possible with a 3D film. The film is a conversion, and was converted with minimal 3D goals.


Sadly, I wasn’t all that blown away with this movie. Don’t get me wrong. The visuals and special effects were gorgeous and nothing short of breathtaking. But the overall story line was pretty weak. It has the effect of looking like some really groovy MT music video. When I first saw the previews of this movie I got the impression that Kirsten Dunst had a 5050 role shared with Jim Sturgess. But as you watch the movie you soon learn that it’s really pretty much about Jim’s character as the protagonist and quite frankly, he’s kinda flat and borders uninteresting. Kirsten’s lines were weak and insignificant (actually the dialogue throughout from everyone’s role was pretty much uninteresting). I think this movie could have really done a lot better if she were allowed to shine like she normally does. You Kirsten fans know what I’m talking about, right? I thought this role for her in this movie was be a bit stifling.I left with the impression that the writers, director, producers and/or whoever else relied too heavily on beautiful cinematography and computer animation and not nearly enough on a thought provoking or, quite simply, compelling dialogue to complement the beautiful visuals.I purchased this movie when it was on sale but quite honestly I don’t think I will ever care to watch it again. I kinda wish I just rented it and not paid the money for it. I would like to give it two and a half stars because I found it to be less than “okay” but I don’t dislike it, per se. I’m more disappointed and it’s unfortunate as I thought, from the well executed previews, that I would love this film. It simply didn’t deliver.

Five Stars

Good movie

Save your money

redefined the word boring

Story is a neat idea but visually the movie is amazing. Some of the best effects I have seen in a movie in a long time. I say B

“What if love was stronger then gravity.” Adam (Sturgess) and Eden (Dunst) have been friends since they were kids. They only thing that keeps them apart is gravity.

watches their favorite brand of movie and scores it the way they …

I do not make big revue of films. Just to say this, NEVER listen to them! They hardly ever know what they are talking about.

Watching one time is enough

Weird but entertaining.

Five Stars


Loved it. Neat Movie.

Fun Flick. Neat mix of romance, sci-fi and fun.

Five Stars

Great movie

I bought this in 3D because of all the great positivity of this movie on Amazon

I bought this in 3D because of all the great positivity of this movie on Amazon. Did we watch the same movie?

Liked it

Rarely give 5 stars on movies but this was a 3-12, not quite a 4. Enjoyed it, but some of the plot / characters were not fully developed.

Get it at Amazon

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