Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey

Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey
Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey
Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey
Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey
Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey
Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey
Vectu Portable Vehicle Tracker GPS/GSM Tracking Real-time Locator for Cars Motorcycles Scooter Bike Golf Carts - Grey
by people ...

Product Specifications

  • Device shipped with an installed SIM card and includes 2 days of service at no cost. Service after that at the low cost of $15.00 / quarter or $50.00 prepaid annually. No Activation Fee.
  • WORKS WORLDWIDE - Use of GPS & GSM Network, Vectu can be located via web or smartphone app anywhere GSM (2G) cellular reception exists. No roaming charges.
  • GPS based solutions are cost prohibitive whereas products from Vectu remove roaming costs and therefore provide the most cost effective solution worldwide.
  • INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS -Unlimited user alerts via text, email, and in-app notifications (Low Battery Alert, Help Alert, Over speed Alert, Geofence Alert, Power Connect/Disconnect Alert, Unauthorized Movement). EASY TO USE myAspenta APP -Free Android, iOS and web app. Working in tandem with Vectu , the myAspenta mobile/web app provides all the tools needed to securely control and monitor people and things that are most important to you.
  • Note:Device operates effectively where T-Mobile service exists. /Tech Support:

    Product Description

Color:Grey Vectu - Locating Made Simple sold by WCB Direct

Vectu Portable Vehicle tracker is perfect for tracking all kinds of vehicles, from cars, motorcycles and scooters to electric bikes and golf carts.

Enjoy peace of mind with GPS & GSM enabled Vectu Vehicle Tracker, knowing that you can locate your vehicle anytime, anywhere. Vectu GPS tracker comes with an installed SIM card, which allows you to use it anywhere in the world where GSM reception exists (excludes Japan, S. Korea & N. Korea).

Features: Live tracking - location updates every 60-seconds when your vehicle is moving Works worldwide anywhere GSM cellular reception exists (excludes Japan, S. Korea & N. Korea) Geofence - create a geofence and receive alerts whenever Vectu exits this area Speed alerts -set a speed limit and be alerted immediately if it is exceeded Arm feature - create an instant Safe Spot around the device and be alerted, if it moves from that location Help button that sets off an alert in case of emergency Instant SMS/Email/Push notifications Multiple users -share vectu with family members, friends or care givers Add up to 4 additional phone numbers and 4 email addresses to receive notifications View multiple devices on a single map Connect as many vectu devices as you wish to myAspenta app Histotrack -historical trip view Battery:3000mAh LiPo Supply Power: 5V USB 90-days location reports & heat map

Easy To Setup: Download the myAspenta app from App Store or Play Store or access online at Login or register Activate the Vectu locator using serial number provided on the back of the device

The Package Includes: Tracker device with installed SIM card & Integrated Rechargeable Battery + Micro USB cable + Quick Start Guide Product

Note:Device operates effectively where T-Mobile service exists

Product Reviews

Happy with a few reservations

I purchased this unit to track a person after the person filed for divorce. It worked very well for the first 10 days. It documents each entire drive of a vehicle. If the person stops for more than 2 minutes and then restarts a ‘new trip’ documentation occurs as the vehicle again moves. Each trip can be viewed on Google Maps either live (a dot appears on the map every 60 seconds) or can be reviewed anytime afterward on Google maps for up to 90 days. The trips are especially useful for viewing on the Google satellite view as it shows where the vehicle has parked (and the name of the commercial establishment) and for how long (the time between the two ‘trips’.) If it is parked in a residential neighborhood you would have to drive there to see the address or attempt to use the ‘street view’ to catch an address. It is very easy and quick to determine if the person has been lying to you about where he/she is going. Note, that this kind of detail only works if the unit is in a position to see GPS satellites. Therefore it must be placed in a vehicle to be able to see the sky. Otherwise, if placed under the seat, car hood, or in the glove box for example, it would only pick up the much less precise nearest cell tower and only give you a range of, about, a 13 of a mile. The creativity of ‘clear view’ will require some thought and practice placements to test whether you will receive the signal you need. It would work fine under a hat, magazine, in a paper or cloth bag (like a grocery bag), in the pocket on the back of a seat, Velcroed to the back of the shoulder seat belt in the rear. Just be careful about not making some change in the vehicle that is obvious. At at $100 to replace it, if found, it would be an expensive surveillance operation. Of course, once found it would be difficult to hide another unit from the person who discovered it. (Also, as tempting as it is to call out the person who has been lying, cheating, etc., doing so prematurely will certainly alert them to the fact that they are being tracked. A search of their car would certainly discover the not well hidden device.)Oh, and legally, the car should be registered in both the ‘target’ and the name of the person conducting the surveillance. (And yes, you feel like a creep doing it until you remember the reason you are doing it.)The reason for the four, not five stars is addressed below. I was so frustrated with not having a working unit that I took a chance on having my unit being the exception and purchased a second one.Issues:1. Firmware update.After 10 days the unit stopped working. I expressed frustration to the Vectu company when I discovered that the Help Desk is only open M-F, 8-4. That is not helpful on weekends. However, they did respond to my email later in the evening, on a weekend, and gave me some suggestions. The one that worked was something that should have been part of the operating instructions. That was to upgrade the firmware. A simple process that, for some strange reason, was not addressed in the packaging. By that time I had already purchased the second unit, preparing to return the first unit.2. Paper documentationWhile it is nice to see where the ‘target’ is traveling I needed and wanted to have paper proof. (The system only allows for 90 days of records.)However, trying to print out an easy to read and understand ‘trip’ record is not possible. This is disappointing. I hope the company reads this issue and offers additional options for doing so. The best I could do is to view and print ‘Mileage Reports’ and add my own specific location information to these reports. This requires tedious copy and paste into word processing documents. If you are going to court this will be your documentation for any allegations you may need. Your attorney may have to view the live screen to attest to the validity of the information.3. Battery chargingThe battery lasts for a good five days of constant operation. That’s the good part. The bad part is that it can take 6+ hours to recharge. You will probably not have that kind of time to retrieve it, charge it, and relocate it. Now you are down to 2-3 days of actual use. Thus, as it turns out, I kept both units. (Nailing the ‘target’ was worth the extra expense of a second unit.) Now, one unit is charging while the other unit is in operation. Nevertheless, a removable and rechargeable second battery would be a nice option.

This is the worst piece of junk I ever spent $100 on.

The idea behind this device is great but unfortunately, it lacks luster in so many ways.First, after driving around town after having it a few days, I noticed that it adds extra miles to the route you take. For example, I frequent certain roads, as do most people but when I look at the map, this device states I have been someplace I’ve not been to in months. It adds to your route, even though the final destination is correct, the way it states you got there is not.When I bought this device, it was marketed as an anti-theft device. But as an anti-theft device, it should stay relatively hidden. Correct? Well, not according to their support team. Apparently leaving it in the glove box interferes with the signal of the device and that causes the anomaly above. Hmmm, so a plastic dashboard and foam interferes with a cell phone and GPS signal? Also when I bought the device, the marketing materials stated you would get a text notification and an email (depending on which you chose or both on the website when you logged in the first time) for each and every event, like engine turned on or off, moving, moving outside your ‘geofence’, etc. Well, that stopped about a month after I got the device just after the return policy expired after 30 days (so now I was stuck with this $100 piece of junk). Then, the phone number that does come through via text message (in the rare occurrences you get one these days), the phone number changes about every two weeks to a month so you have to keep adding phone numbers to the ‘contact’, if you created one, for your device on your phone. I stopped doing this after they changed the number the third time. I’. not sure how many numbers they’ve given me already. Now here’s the kicker: When I bought this piece of junk, it was free the first year and $36 a year after that. That didn’t last long. After about three or four months, they sent me an email telling me starting on a certain date (I forgot what it was), the annual fee would be increased to $50 a year so I should buy an extended year right now. Emails to tech support to solve the numerous issues with this device have not been replied to after the first one. They have not solved any of my issues even though i keep getting emails from them asking me to rate their product or asking me to take a customer service questionnaire online. If you have $100 you want to throw away, then buy this but if you realize that $100 is a lot of money to spend on a piece of junk, ten go elsewhere and remember, you don’t ever get something for nothing and if it looks or sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Spoiler Alert - Cool Looking Paperweight

The tracker worked perfectly for the 48 hr trial period. When I went to renew or get a subscription it was impossible. My app wouldn’t let me. I then tried my desktop with no luck. I even tried to call the company, Aspenta, and was unable to speak with anyone who works for them, just spoke with an answering service, which was rude. I left a message on a voice mail to be called back and was never contacted. I don’t think the company is reputable.So now, I have a $80 paperweight. Thanks a lot Aspenta.

Great Tracker and Features for the Price

I purchased this tracker after looking at several others. The price was reasonable and the first year service free along with cheap annual cost helped sell it. I needed a tracking device to be small enough to conceal on my motorcycles. I am taking a 3000 mile road trip and wanted my family to be able to keep tabs on my location and route for peace of mind. So far all the features work great I have 3 people allowed to follow my location and notifications. The arm feature works well with my testing and signal strength has been good when installed in my bikes front lowers, saddle bags, trunk, and even under the seat of my old street bike. Will update after my trip because my only concern now is how well it works when I am in remote spotty cell service areas.6/18/2016 Update ReviewI utilized this tracker for my 3000 mile trip and it performed flawlessly even in the mountains and remote areas where cell signal can be sketchy. With intermittent use a full charge lasted 7 days when used on day long rides I was able to get 5 days before recharging the unit pretty impressive I thought. Really like this tracker.

Don’t waste your money

GPS was very bad. Seldomly work and gave wrong coordinates. Tried to resolve by placing the unit in plain sight of the sky and in result it completely died in about 3 weeks total…

I recommend this to anyone who owns a Honda or Acura

My son bought Vectu in August of last year and two days ago his vehicle was stolen and was able to find it. He was able to track every moves the criminals made.

Four Stars

I wish battery would last longer.

they sent me another unit whih works perfect. I like the app for my iPhone and …

The first one I purchased and I barely used, had issues with the bluetooth. After contacting the customer service, they sent me another unit whih works perfect.

Very practical and added peace of mind

It works well. I purchased this for a solo motorcycle road trip so people know where I am at all time during the 6402 miles journey across the country.

I got this simply to help keep track of my …

I got this simply to help keep track of my husband trip home form work each day. Mainly to save him from having to call me if he is caught in traffic on the highway as I would…

Awesome Product!! & Affordable

I Have this Gem under the back seat of my very expensive motorcycle, this tracker works great can Arm it and get text & email with anyone moves it.

Good, can be made better!

I liked it but real time update is not that smooth and I have to “Get a HeartBeat” multiple times.

Five Stars

Easy to use. Works great

I love the Geo Fences part of Ventu for it lets …

I love the Geo Fences part of Ventu for it lets me know when my car is leaving a certain perimeter.

Get it at Amazon

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