Compatible With 120VAC/60Hz Outlets, For use in North America only. Any warranty will be voided through the sale and use of the product outside North America. Shipment outside of North America is prohibited by Waterpik
Color:Blue The Easy and More Effective Way to Floss, the Waterpik Aquarius Professional Water Flosser is the most advanced water flosser ever. And it is the first product in its class accepted by the American Dental Association (ADA). It cleans deep between teeth and below the gumline where traditional brushing and flossing can’t reach, using a unique combination of water pressure and pulsations. Featuring a new compact and contemporary design, the Aquarius Water Flosser oral irrigator includes on/off water control on the handle, an LED information panel, and 7 water flosser tips. New pulse-modulation technology provides maximum plaque removal (Floss Mode) and enhanced gum stimulation and improved circulation (Hydro-Pulse Massage Mode). The convenient one-minute timer with a 30-second pacer ensures thorough water flossing of all areas.
ASTONISHING (to me, anyway) HEALTH UPDATE (2/19/2017): WATERPIKING SAVES LIVES, MAYBE YOURS! REALLY! I MEAN IT! (I know, it sounds crazy…)I finally broke down and got a Waterpik when my dentist told me I had periodontal pockets and would need a deep cleaning. I read somewhere that with regular use of a Waterpik, I might just be able to reverse those pockets and eliminate that need for an uncomfortable deep cleaning. I gave it a three-month try and it worked! No deep cleaning needed!Also, I spoke with my primary care physician about plaque, and learned that there are two more (one of them could save your life) benefits to Waterpiking regularly. See my UPDATE at the end of this review.I have noticed that others have asked a lot of the questions that I had early on inside of their reviews and in the customer questions section. So I thought I would gather up all of the answers and put them in one review. I hope this will be your Guide to Using Your New Aquarius Waterpik.If you do find this review helpful, please click “Yes” below, I’d appreciate it!HOW DO I AVOID MAKING MY GUMS BLEED WHEN I START USING MY WATERPIK?It is not in the instructions anymore, but according to my husband, Waterpik used always to tell users to start by using the lowest “1” pressure setting and then to turn the pressure up one notch per day to get your gums adjusted to the Waterpik’s pressure gradually. If you do this, you should be on “10”, or whatever setting you prefer, in no time and with no gum bleeding.HOW DO I KEEP FROM SPLASHING WATER EVERYWHERE?There are two simple tricks never to see a water splash again. First, don’t turn the Waterpik on until it is in your mouth. Second, keep your mouth closed except a slight parting of your lips to allow water to drain out of your mouth, while you use your Waterpik. That should take care of it!THE ON/OFF SWITCH ON THE HANDLE IS HARD TO USE.You will, unfortunately, just have to get the hang of how to master that switch. It seems to be a matter to where you apply pressure on the switch. It seems to work best when you apply pressure close to the center, rather than from the bottom or the top, in my limited experience. However, in the meantime, if you get frustrated, just use the on/off button on the face of the machine as a shortcut.WHY DO THEY SEND SEVEN TIPS BUT ONLY PROVIDE SLOTS FOR TWO?First of all, you only receive four different types of tips. The total number of tips adds up to seven because Waterpik provides three identical Classic Jet Tips (see below for descriptions of each). Most people choose only one style of tip for daily use (possibly two if you have periodontal pockets). The second slot can also be used for a partner or house-guest.WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FOUR STYLES OF TIPS INCLUDED?“CLASSIC JET TIP” (you get 3)To identify it: it is the only tip style that you get three of.Classic Jet Tips are for general use and replace flossing for people without crowns or other more-serious-than-fillings dental work. (For people with that sort of dental work, use the “Plaque Seeker Tip”, described below.) Use the Classic Jet Tip unless you have a special reason to choose one of the others.Rather than include links to the replacement tips in this review, I recommend that you just do a search for “Waterpik JT-100E”. That way, there’s no risk that this review will be filled with dead links.If you search by the tip’s name, you will probably get results that include tips that are not compatible with your Aquarius. So I have provided the actual model numbers of each tip so that you can search for the right one. If any tip that you want is not available on Amazon, you can buy it directly from Waterpik dot com. (Note For Ultra Buyers: the Ultra uses the same model tips as the Aquarius, provided here.)“TOOTHBRUSH TIP” (quantity: 1, but that is plenty for most)To identify it: it looks like a tiny toothbrush.This tip allows you to brush your teeth and Waterpik at the same time. As efficient as that sounds, there must be a reason why they included 3 Classic Jet Tips and only 1 Toothbrush Tip. I am guessing the reason is that this Brush Tip looks more efficient than it is – especially if you have an effective toothbrush like a Sonicare.Search for “Waterpik TB-100E” to find compatible replacement tips.“PLAQUE SEEKER TIP” (quantity: 1) (my daily use tip)To identify it: look for fewer bristles than are on the Toothbrush Tip.The Plaque Seeker Tip is designed for use with crown, implants, and bridges, as well as for general use. So if you have any dental work more serious than fillings in your mouth (i.e. are you over 30?), you can just use this tip as your daily tip all around your mouth. “Removes bacteria and debris from hard to reach areas around dental restorations.“Search for “Waterpik PS-100E” to buy refills.“PIK POCKET TIP” (quantity: 1)To identify it: it looks like the Classic Jet Tip but with an extra pointy attachment at the end.This one is for people who have periodontal pockets or furcations. It can “deliver medicaments” except that neither the Aquarius nor the Ultra is designed for that (they don’t have “Medicament Reservoirs”), or just rinse deep below the gumline. Few people will choose to use the Pik Pocket as their daily tip. You would use this before or after you do your primary Waterpik rinse, and probably just on the areas that need it. This tip is supposed to be used only with the machine set to a pressure of “1”, so don’t forget to turn the pressure down before using it.Search for “PP-100E” to get compatible replacement tips.OTHER WATERPIK TIPS YOU CAN BUY ON AMAZON COMPATIBLE WITH THE WATERPIK AQUARIUS: these don’t come with your Aquarius but they are compatible with it, and you may find them useful:–Orthodontic tip OD-100E–Tongue Cleaner TC-100EFinally, Waterpik also offers a storage case that comes with six compatible tips. Search for TS-100E.THE WATERPIK AQUARIUS VERUS THE WATERPIK ULTRA: A SHOWDOWNSome reviewers have argued that the older Waterpik WP100W Ultra Dental Water Flosser is a better device. However, many reviewers have claimed the opposite. Waterpik continues to make both. Here are the differences according to Amazon and Waterpik (you can do comparisons between any current models on Waterpik’s website, just type in Waterpik dot com then choose Oral Hygiene):This Model, the Waterpik Aquarius WP-660 is called the “Aquarius Professional” on Waterpik’s site. That’s cool, right?As of this writing, the Ultra has fewer than 300 reviews that average 4.5 stars; this Aquarius has over 6,000 reviews that average 4.4 stars. Since I don’t know if the Ultra’s average rating is 4.500000 and the Aquarius’s is 4.4999999999, I don’t really see any difference in those reviews other than than a LOT more people choose to buy this Aquarius.Differences Between this Aquarius and the Ultra–while on Amazon, prices vary, Waterpik thinks the Aquarius is the nicer machine because they charge $20 more for the Aquarius than for the Ultra;–the Ultra has a button on the handle that you must hold down in order to keep the water flowing, if you let go, it stops; the Aquarius has an on/off toggle switch so that once you toggle it on, it keeps flowing without finger pressure, until you toggle it off;–the Aquarius comes with three Classic Jet tips, versus two with the Ultra–the Aquarius includes a massage mode (have to admit that I don’t use this at all)–the Aquarius includes an LED Function Indicator (ehh)–the Aquarius includes a Timer/Pacer (I use this every day and know that I would stop sooner than I should if it weren’t on there)–the Ultra doesn’t include anything that the Aquarius does notFeatures That Are Identical Between the Aquarius and the Ultra–both come in black and white (Aquarius, this page; Waterpik Ultra White and Black available here;–same water pressure–same flow rate–same pulse rate–both have 10 pressure settings–the tips rotate 360 degrees–water capacity both in volume and in seconds–both have covered water reservoirs–almost identical weight: 1.46 pounds for this Aquarius and 1.48 for the Ultra–both have three-year warranties–both only have plugs for North AmericaSOME OTHER MODELS AVAILABLE:Waterpik Complete Care is still available for $10 more and gives you a shorter warranty (2 years instead of 3), no massage mode, no LED indicators, and fewer tips. Thumbs down.If you’re really price sensitive OR if you want to use medicaments OR you really hate filling the reservoir, the Waterpik Classic Pro is $30 less expensive on the Waterpik site (on Amazon, prices vary) includes a medicament reservoir, and holds up to 35 ounces (Aquarius and Ultra hold 22 ounces) but you will not get:–the good reviews that the Aquarius and Ultra have; Classic Pro is not nearly as well-liked;–the option of a black-colored model;–the maximum water pressure of 100 PSI (it’s 90 PSI instead)–four pressure settings: you get only six pressure settings instead of ten (but honestly, how many people need the subtlety of more than six settings?);–the super-important-to-me Timer/Pacer–water control on the handle (it works like the Ultra: you have to hold a button down);–a covered reservoir;–covered tip storage;–massage mode;–LED Function Indicator;–the ability to use any tips other than the Classic, the Pik Pocket and the Tongue Cleaner (Waterpik does not make compatible Orthodontic tips, Plaque Seeker tips, or Toothbrush tips for the Waterpik Classic Pro)–the third year of warranty, Classic only comes with a tow-year warranty.I hope this review has been helpful to you. Please feel free to leave comments, as you can see, I have responded to the only question asked, and am happy to answer more. And I’d very much appreciate a “Yes” click if you did find this review at all helpful. (I have dreams of one day qualifying for the VINE reviewer program…)IMPORTANT HEALTH UPDATES (2/19/2017): WATERPIKING SAVES LIVES, MAYBE YOURS!THE LIFESAVING UPDATE: My Primary Care Physician just informed me that PLAQUE in the MOUTH CAUSES PLAQUE in the ARTERIES AND VEINS! !! ! !! That was a big surprise to me. Now I’m REALLY going to use this baby twice a day (like I told my dental hygienist I do
).A DENTAL HYGIENE BEST-PRACTICES UPDATE: My Primary also told me that using flossing brushes (like the Pixters my dentist told me to use) actually transfers bacteria from the first tooth to the second, and from the first and second to the third, and so on. Unless of course you use a new one for each tooth, each time. IMHO, they’re way too expensive for that! So, she suggested using one per tooth but on a less frequent basis, and using the Waterpik two times, full time, every single day instead.
I was skeptical at first, but after having this for a few years now I’m glad I tried it.PROS:• Easy to Use - Fill it with warm water or water mixed with mouthwash (same amount of mouthwash you’d normally use diluted in the water), choose the intensity and your head attachment, put the wand end in your mouth, make sure the switch on the wand is turned on (I leave mine turned on), turn the power button on, start at a back molar and work your way forward, keeping your head tilted forward and lips puckered so the water pours out into the sink.• Efficacy - More effective and faster than flossing. At least that’s what the internet says, but here’s my point: I never would floss, but this is so easy and quick I can do it every night with no worry. It also leaves your mouth feeling refreshed and rinsed before you brush and mouthwash.• Oral Hygiene - The water pushes bacteria and food particles out, effectively doing the same job as flossing and mouthwashing. It also helps promote periodontal health by stimulating circulation in your gums, which can help them to heal faster and fight infections better.• No pain or bleeding if you just start, unlike flossing. Just start on the lowest sensitivity and work your way up.• Multiple Options - With various heads so you can actually brush your teeth with it, use different spray types, and the pulsating massage mode for massaging gums.CONS:• Expensive, especially compared to floss.• The on/off switch is difficult to change with one hand. This doesn’t affect me though as I leave it on and just use the power button on the machine to start and stop water flow.• Can be loud, if you’re trying to floss while others are asleep.• Not portable like floss is. Even if you get the handheld version (terrible idea) you have to dispose of the water, so you can’t floss while you read or watch TV like with standard floss.TIPS:• Putting a washcloth or grip pad (like what you line cabinets with or what you open the pickle jar with) under the unit to help lower the vibrations• Once a month do a cleaning rinse: Clean the basin out with vinegar, allowing it to soak for an hour and put the wand tips in with it - this will kill odor causing germs. Pour that out and do a full hot water rinse to get the vinegar out, then do a hydrogen peroxide rinse. The peroxide will kill any mildew spores inside the tubing.• Don’t leave water in the basin, or put any non-liquid or sticky additives in. I’ve put mouthwash in before as a rinse aid, but that’s it. You don’t want stuff clogging the tubing.UPDATE: After over two years it’s still performing like new, staying clean inside and out, and my teeth have never been healthier! I’ve also not seen any signs of leaking like others have experienced. The only time I get water on the counter is if it runs along the hose and drips off.
Just got braces and I absolutely love this product. It cleans and gets all the cracks and crevices.
This does wonders for keeping tooth decay down. I was having thyroid issues.. this helped with it a lot.
Worth it - works well - still have to master the inner teeth washing and the water flow as I use it, but only after a few uses I can definitely tell the difference with my teeth.
If you have never used a Waterpik, you are in for a great surprise: they are terrific! They clean teeth and gums and pockets between teeth way better than flossing.
Takes a few times to get the hang of the waterpik. Now I use it daily. Mouth feels so clean.
Works very well! Happy with my purchase!
This is the best water pik I have ever used. I recommend it without reservation
This water pik exceeded my expectations. It works much better than the one it replaced.
I use it every day and have noticed that it cleans out small particles from between my teeth.
No it is impossible to be able to clean the hand piece , were you put the different tips , after a while usening water stay in there and bacteria grow….
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