Works with any smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 and higher or iOS 8 and higher. Electrical Rating120V/15A/60Hz/1800W.
Offer Type:Light Switch WeMo Light Switch / 1 YR WARRANTY / CASE PACK 3 / COO CHINA
I purchased this item from Amazon on January 9th, as a pre-order from when they were released as a new item on January 10th, 2017. After receiving two defective units from Amazon, and before returning the second, I decided to play around with it more and do some more research online. I am posting this to help anyone else who purchased this and is having trouble getting it to connect to your local WiFi network. I did get the unit working fine, but I removed two stars from my review because of the hassle of getting it to work. I spent over an hour with WeMo tech support, who offered no solutions, and made me jump through a bunch of hoops in the process. Cycling a reboot of my router did nothing. Changing my WiFi password did nothing. Disconnecting my phone from cellular service did nothing. The issue with these early units lies in the fact that they seem to get “confused” if you have other WeMo devices in your home. When trying to set up this WeMo mini, the WeMo app on my iPhone would find the device after I connected to its WiFi. The screen would show the device, ask me to name it, and click “Next”. After clicking next, it would get stuck trying to get the device to find my home WiFi network. I have 4 other “older” WeMo devices (none of which ever had any issue connecting). I have a WeMo light switch, and 3 regular WeMo smart plugs. Two of the other WeMo smart plugs were easily accessible, so I tried completely unplugging them (not just turning them off). I did a factory reset on the WeMo mini I purchased, went through the app process of connecting it again, and voila! It immediately found my WiFi network and connected. And then it immediately downloaded a firmware update. So it seems like WeMo is aware of an issue, yet their tech support wasn’t informed. And so far, I seem to be the only one publicly acknowledging the issue with these early release devices and buggy firmware.So long story short, if you have other WeMo devices in your household, and have trouble getting this WeMo mini to connect, try unplugging as many of the other devices as you can (they will automatically reconnect online after you plug them back in), factory reset the mini, and go through the setup process again. It should hopefully work.
I bought 4 of these light switches about a month after they were released. I had been adding motion detector lights, dusk-to-dawn lights, etc., to both improve energy efficiency and safety in my house. My purchase was designed to move further toward both of these issues, along with a new Kwikset lock and some security cameras.Installation was relatively simple, even for someone who is not an electrician. As long as you have the proper wires and follow instructions, as other reviewers have mentioned, installation should not be too difficult (check before ordering though). Connecting to the WiFi was also not difficult for me. I have a Linksys router in the basement with a Linksys range extender upstairs and WeMo did not have any problems connecting when I followed instructions. The initial firmware update took quite a long time and the initial iPhone app version that I downloaded was very slow to detect the switches each time I loaded the app, but they seem to have fixed the latter issue.Once it was all setup, I LOVED it. I used IFTTT to automatically make sure lights were turned off at night and on in the morning, among other things. I really like the look of them and changed out many of my fan switches and other switches to the decorator-style to make it look even nicer. Really, really like the look of them, although I could see it not fitting as well in certain instances (I am definitely not an interior decorator). I do wish that these would work with 3-way lights (where you have two light switches that control the same light) or as dimmers, but unfortunately they don’t.Here’s the problem: two days ago, the power to the router went out for about 30 seconds, then turned back on. The internet and WiFi loaded fine and all of my devices worked fine - except two of the 4 light switches could no longer connect to WiFi! They would both just blink orange non-stop. I tried all of their support instructions on their website, which was minimal, and included resetting and restarting the device. Of course, now one of the switches started blinking green and I could no longer even turn the lights on manually. So I caved and called their support number (difficult to find, but calling the corporate headquarters 800-number routed me to support).Here is where it got really frustrating because, among other things, the person on the line spoke very poor English. It took about 35 minutes to get through the initial questions around model number, what lights were blinking, when I purchased the product, etc. In between each question, she would tell me to “hold on a second” and mute her line, before often (at least 10 times, no exaggeration) returning and asking me a question I had already answered. Multiple times, she forgot to mute her line and I heard her joking with her friends. But, OK, I only hold Belkin partially accountable for that. After over an hour, and having me try everything I already tried, she finally said she would send me a new one. For now, I have two switches that cannot connect to WiFi and one that cannot even turn the lights on.It is simply not worth all of this hassle just to be able to remotely turn some lights on and off. To make it worse: they only provide (poor) customer service for free for 90 days! After that, you have to pay to talk to someone. Luckily (unluckily?), mine broke after 60 days so I could get someone on the phone.I really wanted to like the product, and I would have if there was some quality control or better customer support, but unfortunately for me it didn’t work out.
This light switch and the other outlet style plug has worked reliably for over 3 years. There would be occasional hiccups like power interruptions that cause the switches to restart, but they have never failed on me. However, you are at the mercy of your internet connection and if you happen to be away while the network crashes, you won’t be able to communicate with the switches. The daily programs will continue to work regardless.Setting this up properly does require some networking knowledge and how to properly implement security. The switches both work on hidden and broadcasted SSID Wifi networks. Half of my switches work on the hidden SSID and the other half are connected to the broadcasted SSID. They do support security password keys, but if you want an extra layer of protection, turn on your basestation’s MAC address check to enable access to your Wifi network.I have assigned static IP address to these switches to avoid conflict when power cycling happens to my router. This is the general rule for all of my stay-at-home devices.Update 2017My eleventh switch will be arriving tomorrow. The first switch I bought in 2013 is still working to this day. All switches are still working reliably.Works perfectly with NEST thermostat, Amazon Echo and IFTTT for voice control.
Works as advertised. Very easy setup
Excellent but be sure watch the posted video and have a 4th neutral wire. No neutral wire no work.
Lovely Product, easy installation and is so easy. we had a 7 day old baby & it was hard to walk upto the light switch, connected the light to Wemo & with alexa we are talking to…
The dimmer does not connect with the Wemo network nor Alexa
Simple setup. Works perfectly. Happy customer!
Wemo is being used to turn bedroom lamp on and off. It was so simple to set up, user friendly, only takes an Alexa command to operate.
I wish you made more smart devices
Great product!
Great easy to use device!
comments powered by DisqusWorks great